Posted: February 19th, 2022
TOPIC: Sexual production
TOPIC: Sexual production
SUBJECT: Biology
TYPE: Research Paper
DEADLINE: 25.02.2018 07:30
1. First Written Assignment: EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY. Each individual student will write a paper that summarizes a scholarly scientific article about a biological issue of their choice. You may choose any biology topic that interests you. The paper will follow the guidelines described here. The paper will consist of a minimum of 2 pages of written content. (This means text or writing, and does not include the title page, photos, figures, labels and sources cited section.) You need to cite all sources that you use at the bottom of the summary if you use more than the one scholarly article required. Use 1 scholarly scientific journal article. The article summary needs to include the following sections, identified by headings: introduction, methods, results and conclusions. You may add other sections and additional sources as you see fit. Be sure you know what a scientific journal article is for the purposes of this class, and see the grading guidelines below. You may use an accepted citation style that you know, such as APA, MLA, or scientific citation style. I will grade on consistency with the style and punctuation that you choose. This first written project will be practice for two more papers to follow, which will be prepared in groups. The first written project will also be used to confirm that all the students participating in the group know the basics of finding a scientific article and writing a brief scientific paper. You must complete this assignment to move on to the next project. If you do not complete this assignment and turn it in on time, it will affect your grade on subsequent projects. If you do not complete the written assignments it mean a failing grade in the class.