Posted: February 19th, 2022
TOPIC: Revival and church planting- and princip
TOPIC: Revival and church planting- and princip
SUBJECT: Religion and Theology
TYPE: Thesis / Dissertation
Read the required text available 4 dissertation for each book sign the student will write a two to three page synopsis of key Concepts found in each book a minimum of three books select three texts from the list or text for this cause the student will review 15 the more as needed but minimum 15 reference to be used in writing a comprehensive paper on this topic the student will write a 20-page paper on the topic and submit it either buy hard copy text books that are recommended building the church God wants Can chant number to better than Revival Can chant Supernatural architecture Stan dekoven number for planting a garden growing the church be on traditional models Linda McCoy this church is not appearing glorious and it doesn’t seem to be Purpose Driven or how to fix the broken Church LP Myers seven planting missional Church Ed stetzer number 8 planting growing churches for the 21st century 3rd Edition Aubrey malphurs number 9 planting new churches in a post modern age by Ed stetzer number 10 church planting in the African American Community Michael G Cox church planting cross culture David hesselgrave 11 creating communities of the Kingdom the New Testament models of church-planting David Ren 12 additional biographies the student will complete a list of 10 or more references to be developed by the student as a part of doctrinal project and submitted the comprehensive research paper the paper should include the following number one cover page APA number to abstract summary paragraph 1 number 3 introduction identify the topic for investigation a clear thesis statement detailing the problem or issue for investigation 1 to 2 pages number for review of literature 9 to 12 Pages identify at least three themes and issues to investigate Part B each team should be three to four pages in Lent number 5 analysis critique of current literature 2-3pages. 6 synthesis connections between theory and practice 2-3pages 7application apply the finding to current ministry practice 3-5pages 8 conclusion and implications restate thesis and discuss implications for church and community life 1-2pages 9 references a bibliography of references used in the preceding text items 3-8