Posted: February 13th, 2022
Topic: Evolution of Chinese Foreign Policy
Political science
Topic: Evolution of Chinese Foreign Policy
Paper details:
International Relations Paper
Talk about how it has changed most recently in terms of becoming an impacting global power in comparison to the United States
*use book and journal sources
A. Introduction: What is the subject all about? What are its boundaries? What is
the main question? Write a paragraph about how you will go about your
resources/references. Why you chose the references you did? Why are they useful
and relevant? This section should not be more than 3-4 pages;
B. Main part of the paper: In this section, you will present lots of data including
stats, definitions, graphs, tables, schools of thought, approaches to the topic by
different stakeholders. You want the reader to learn how the issue is defined and
what are its dimensions. This section depending on your writing style may be
somewhere between 10-12 pages;
C. Conclusion: In this part, you will write the conclusions of your research. What
did you learn? Why was this subject so significant? Will it be resolved? What are
challenges and difficulties ahead? Make sure you state your own opinions about
the topic. This section may be somewhere between 3-5 pages;
6. Write the title of your topic, your name, semester and POLS 1600 at the top of
the first page;
7. Make sure all quotes, data and statistics have a reference. The text should be
double spaced and use the MLA format of citations (author, year, page – in text,
with full references on the last pagebpt). Cite all the sources you use.