Posted: November 8th, 2022
Topic: Diversity Issues in Play Therapy
Topic: Diversity Issues in Play Therapy
You can choose any paper to summarize based on the topic Diversity Issues in Play Therapy.
1 page per article total 3pages
Note: You can choose any paper to summarize based on the topic Diversity Issues in Play Therap.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all of the following questions by writing your answers in this worksheet. Be sure to save your work as a Word or PDF document before submitting. Your answers may be brief, but should be written in complete sentences. You must write your answers in your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article!!! If you copy and paste, even with quotations, you will receive a zero for that question.
APA Format for a journal article:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume number(Issue number), pages.
APA Format for a chapter in an edited book:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)
1.Provide the citation for your review paper in proper APA format.
2.Describe what your review article is about.
3.How are the authors operationalizing their variables? In other words, what concepts are they talking about and how is it measured?
4.What did this review article explain that wasn’t clear before (e.g., how did it advance the literature)?
5.Briefly summarize the information in this article that you believe is most relevant for answering your specific research question. You should identify 2-3 take-away messages from the review paper.
6.How does this information impact college students?
1.Provide the citation for your empirical article in proper APA format.
2.Briefly describe what this research article is about.
3.State the primary hypothesis in your own words. What did the researchers expect to find?
4.Who were the participants in this study? Be sure to include any relevant demographic information (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, SES, country of origin, gender). (Note: “N” refers to the number of participants in the study.)
5.Were the participants college students? If the research was not completed with college students, do you believe the results can be translated to college students?
6.How did the authors operationalize (define and measure) the variables of interest?
7.What did the researchers find? Briefly summarize the main results in your own words. You do not need to include any specific statistical data!
8.What do the authors conclude? Do the results support the researchers’ hypothesis? Briefly explain.
9.How do the research findings in this article help to answer your specific research question?
1.Provide the citation for your empirical article in proper APA format.
2.Briefly describe what this research article is about.
3.State the primary hypothesis in your own words. What did the researchers expect to find?
4.Who were the participants in this study? Be sure to include any relevant demographic information (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, SES, country of origin, gender). (Note: “N” refers to the number of participants in the study.)
5.Were the participants college students? If the research was not completed with college students, do you believe the results can be translated to college students?
6.How did the authors operationalize (define and measure) the variables of interest?
7.What did the researchers find? Briefly summarize the main results in your own words. You do not need to include any specific statistical data!
8.What do the authors conclude? Do the results support the researchers’ hypothesis? Briefly explain.
9.How do the research findings in this article help to answer your specific research question?
D11 Negotiating the Offer
This is our last module on Career Development. I will share some thoughts and tips about negotiating the offer. As a way to get us started, think about the last time you negotiated an offer. What were your observations about yourself, and any others involved? How did you feel about the offer presented?
Noticed: The last time you negotiated an offer:
when I graduated with a bachelor’s (physics) I got an offer from a private middle school to teach science, refused the offer because they wanted me to work long hours and a low salary. you can add more information