Posted: February 28th, 2022
Topic: Chapter 12: Psychology Gets “Personality”
Topic: Chapter 12: Psychology Gets “Personality”
Paper details:
Reaction Paper 12: Psychology Gets “Personality” Allport, Maslow, and the Broadening Field
TextBook: Pioneers of Psychology
Fancher, R. E. & Rutherford, A. Pioneers of Psychology: A History 5th Ed., New York:W.W. Norton & Company ltdll, 2017. ISBN 978-0-393-283549
Please read all of the instructionsl
—Introduction that provides a brief summary of the chapter (do not go into details, just provide enough background for the reader to understand the discussion in the rest of the essay.
—Mention one topic from the reading and discuss this topic in a fashion that demonstrates you have thought critically about it.
—Mention a second topic and discuss it, as above
—Mention a third topic and discuss it, as above
—Conclusion that briefly summarizes your comments.
—The introduction and conclusion should be short, and the bulk of the writing should be in three content paragraphs.
—The three content paragraphs should be on topics from various parts of the chapter to demonstrate that you have read and thought about the entire chapter and not just one small part of it.
There are three important restrictions regarding this paper.
No paper will be accepted that :
1. Consist of less than 500 words ( be sure to do a word count in MS word and type the number of words at the bottom of the essay)
2. Contains 20% or more overlap with sources according toTurnitin. (always be sure to check the Turnitin score).
3. Is submitted after the deadline
Essay will be graded on the following four criteria:
Organization- The paper should be organized in proper essay format, and paragraphs should be organized around a single topic
2. Mechanics – The paper should be reasonabley free from errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation as well as free of awkward phrasing: In-text citations must be given and APA format and a properly APA-formattted references section must be included at the end (see “OWL Perdue APA formatting” for an online resource)
3. Content- The paper should discuss important topics from the reading.
4. Development- The paper should include a well-developed discussion that demonstrated critical thinking of each topic that is raised in the essay.
NOTE: This is an area that students may struggle on. Simply providing a summary of what you’ve read can lead to a reasonable grade in the “content” section, but a failure to provide critical thinking (that can also be termed “analysis” and is a type of an essay development) will lead to a low scores on development. There are many ways to approach analysis or critical thinking in an essay. One source that can help you will this is provided her: https:/
Recognize that we are usually addressing scientific topics in this course so if you state a position you will also want ot provide evidence and/or solid arguments to back up that position.
SECOND NOTE: Students sometimes drift into editorializing in these reaction papers, telling the reader why they like one topic or another or providing a long description of some personal story. While connecting the material to your own life can be useful, simply stating you like something or do not like something provides little value and uses up word space you could have used for something else. Similarly, making a connection to your own experience is
useful as long as you do go on at length on a personal story.
—The essay should be an orginal piece of writing.
—Do not copy directly from the textbook, slides or other sources.
—Limit yourself to no more than one short quote per reaction paper, on the order of a sentence and not longer. ( I prefer you use no quotes at all; if you use more than one it will hurt your score. Instead your assignment is to discuss the topic in your own words
—You are not expected to gather information from sources other than the textbook or slides. However, if you do use outside sources, be sure to give proper citations in APA format
—Copying word for word, even if you provide the source, is still considered plagiarism. Any instance of pagiarism will result in a zero for the course and a repobptrt ot the Office of Student Integrity