Posted: February 19th, 2022
Topic: . (a) How does the Catholic Church describe work in relationship
Religious studies
Topic: . (a) How does the Catholic Church describe work in relationship to the worker. In order words, what does work do for the worker? (b) Where and how are workers violated today in businesses? (c) What needs to be done to have a dignity of work?
Paper details:
Directions: 1. Paper must be double-spaced, 12 point, Times Roman font, and one-inch margins. Please number your pages. At the top of the first page, please put your name, then following your name put the number of the topic you have chosen in parenthesis, ex., James Clark (2). Please do not write out the question. Paper must be 2 full pages. 2. Any quotes or paraphrasing of an author must be acknowledged with supporting documentation. Otherwise, you will be accused of plagiarism, and your paper will receive a “0” grade. 3. Please be sure you include a bibliography, which must be on a separate page and is not one of your 2 pages. Your bibliography should be page 5. Bibliography should be properly formatted, or credit will be deducted. Please consult the manuals for proper format of term papers (MLA, Turabian Term Paper Style Book, or Chicago Manual Style). Credit will be deducted for improper format. 4. Since this is a short paper, you may acknowledge your sources within the paragraph. For example, if you quote someone such as Karl Rahner, after your quote you would put (Rahner 59) – 59 stands for the page number. I will know from your bibliography the book associated with Rahner. However, if you wish to use footnotes, you may do so, but be sure they are formatted properly. See the various manuals mentioned in #3. 5. Correct spelling, good sentence structure, comprehension, and coherency will be part of your grade. 6. Please do not give me a paper full of quotes. Yes, you need to document your statements with supporting evidence. But this is only a 2-page report. I want to hear your ideas, your critical thinking, which are all your own words. Also, for this length paper, I should not see any more than four sources. Your textbook may be used as one of the sources. However, I must see more than your textbook as a bibliography. Also, your sources should be scholarly books (besides your own course book) or/and journals, not all web sites. Only one web site may be used. If I do not see scholarly sources, then credit will be deducted. Please do not give me a page full of bibliographic data. You record only what you use. Credit will be deducted if your bibliography does not meet the requirements as stated above.
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Work in Relation to the Worker
Work is vital for people in society. Individuals chose different forms of work, which include employment or entrepreneurship. Regardless of the types of work or positions that workers occupy, the common goal is to take care of their basic needs, invest, and save for future security. According to the Catholic church, work is a duty. People work because it is a command from the creator, and also because they need to work to sustain their humanity. Work dignity is essential to both employers and employees; nevertheless, there are violations of workers’ rights. The catholic church regards work as a continuation of God’s creation and means to sustain humanity.
Work helps people to grow and survive. Pope John Paul II insists that work is essential in human conditioning, especially for youths. John Paul argues that “it is particularly painful when unemployment affects young people…” (Blaire et al. 103). He adds on to say that individuals are frustrated when they are willing and ready to work, but have limited opportunities even after technical, cultural, and professional preparation to work. Additionally, Pope Francis, in 2013, said that there is a risk of having a generation that is excluded from work because, at that time, the global crisis was affecting youths (Blaire et al. 108). Work enables people to provide for their personal needs, families, and contribute to the growth of their respective economies. Work also gives the workers personal growth because it covers many aspects of life, including; creativity, talent development, planning for the future, establishing relations with others, and glorifying God. Continuous working betters the skills of workers, which is crucial because they can get better-paying jobs, an increase in their living standards. Work is essential because it gives the financially stable a chance to help the needy and unemployed in times of need.
Violation of workers’ rights is evident in many instances. Employers often violate employee rights by abolishing their overtime payments and replacing them with compensatory time. Additionally, false reporting is a violation of worker rights when employers restrain employers from reporting their overtime hours. However, this affects undocumented workers more than documented individuals (Doyle 2). Employees also experience violations when employers fail to pay their commissions and bonuses on benchmarks performances. Harassment happens because of differences in race, religion, gender, nationality, and age of the workers. More so, workers lose their accumulated vacations at the end of the year, which is called the “use it or lose it” policy Doyle 4). Employers are fair if they give workers sufficient time to use their vacation time, and also provide formal notifications of the time it takes to lose vacation time. Violation of rights affects employees.
The dignity of work is essential to workers. People ask what others do for work when interacting for the first time, which shows that individuals’ dignity is attached to their type of work. The church teaches that the economy’s’ provision of working opportunities and considerable wages for people willing and able to work supports work dignity. According to Armstrong et al. (943), the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) argues that “Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation.” The rights include fair wages, the right to participate in productive tasks and unions, and taking economic initiatives.
The catholic church values work as a form of God’s work and a means of livelihood for people, their families, and country development. Global instability limits youths’ opportunities to get jobs and contributes to their discouragement in life. Workplace discrimination, abolishing overtime payments, fake reporting, and lifting employees’ unused leaves, are violations of worker rights. The protection of the dignity of work requires respecting the fundamental rights of workers. Employment is crucial to having decent lives.
Works Cited
Armstrong, E. Shona, and V. Virgin Nithya Veena. “Violation of Human Rights: A Study of Patricia McCormick’s Sold.” Studies in Indian Place Names 40.18 (2020): 941-944.
Blaire, Most Rev Stephen E., et al. “A Conversation with Catholic Bishops and Scholars Regarding the Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers: A Panel Discussion.” Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 50.1 (2017): 5.
Doyle, Alison. “Examples of Common Employee Workplace Violations”. The Balance Careers, 2019, Accessed 24 Mar 2020.