Posted: January 28th, 2022
Top Nursing Research Paper Topics
Top Nursing Research Paper Topics
Topics for Nursing Research Papers in the Top 100
The process of choosing an essay topic is similar to that of constructing a skyscraper’s foundation. You must make the best decision possible, or else the entire essay will come crashing down before you have finished writing it. Even yet, narrowing down the options for nursing essay themes can be challenging. There are really too many subjects to investigate and debate. To make your life easier, we’ve compiled a list of the best nursing research paper themes that you can choose from. Choose one of the key subjects, then browse through the specific nursing research topics until you locate the one that would work best for you and your assignment. If you need help with the following phase of writing an essay, you can reach out to one of our experienced writers for assistance. They can gladly assist you with any of the topics listed above.
Topics for Nursing Research Papers
The State of One’s Mental Health
When deciding on one of the mental health essay themes, take into consideration the opposing viewpoints. You can learn about mental diseases, care regimens, and first aid skills by doing some research. Choose the problem that most interests you or the one that you are most familiar with in order to save time on research and writing in the future.
The most effective therapy choices for adults with early-stage dementia
Patients who are contemplating suicide should receive the most effective therapy possible.
Is aromatherapy effective in treating people suffering from stress and depression?
Exactly when does it become important to include a psychiatrist in a patient’s treatment?
How should you deal with people who self-harm in emergency rooms?
Help for people suffering from paranoid schizophrenia is urgently needed.
Patients with Alzheimer’s disease can have their cognitive decline slowed by taking certain medications.
The origins and treatments of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are discussed here.
How does the patient’s psychological well-being change as he or she grows older?
Is it possible for nurses to assist patients in overcoming depression?
Child Nursing is a term that refers to the act of nursing a child.
It is difficult to choose a topic for a child nursing essay because there are so many pediatric concerns to learn about and research. Investigate options for neonatal care or traditional therapy. In addition, preventative techniques are one of the most important components of podiatry, and you should include an outline of them in your article.
Improvements to the neo-natal unit will benefit young mothers and their newborns.
Treatment options for pediatric cancer patients who have a low survival rate
Nutritional deficiencies in pediatric patients and how to address them
Preventive measures for child injury are being implemented.
Healthy eating has an impact on a child’s overall well-being.
In your country, what are the leading causes of child mortality?
Preventative measures to reduce the danger of intestinal parasites are taken.
Development of chronic illnesses in children and adolescents
The treatment regimen for youngsters suffering from constipation
The treatment strategy for pediatric victims of near-drowning is outlined below.
Preparing for the Care of Adult Patients
Adult patients, as opposed to children, are more likely to experience psychological side effects during and after therapy, so you should pay attention to them. Adult patients, as opposed to youngsters, experience more psychological side effects before and after therapy; therefore, you may want to focus your studies for medical school on them. If you are limited in time, choose a topic that is simpler to research, such as managing heartburn or promoting good habits among stroke survivors who have recently recovered.
Treating chronic heartburn in middle-aged men is a difficult task.
Providing assistance to stroke survivors in regaining important motor functions
Patients with psoriasis should follow a treatment plan and seek assistance from their doctor.
The several probable causes of chest discomfort are listed below.
Providing patients with assistance in dealing with reduced movement following appendage fractures
Men in their mid-forties should practice blood pressure management techniques.
Providing assistance to victims of intimate relationship violence
In the event of a road traffic accident, emergency medical care is required.
Adult patients with learning difficulties should have their dignity protected.
The most successful sepsis therapy options are as follows:
Care Plans for Elderly Patients
There are a plethora of fascinating geriatric research subjects to choose from. If you need to finish the paper as soon as possible, consider uncomplicated topics such as hearing loss prevention and therapy. In contrast, if you are interested in research, you should focus on more difficult areas such as suicide prevention or exercise regimens for senior people.
Understanding the fundamentals of treating elderly adults with osteoarthritis
The causes and therapies of malnutrition in elderly patients
The early indicators of age-related hearing loss, as well as treatment options
Light physical activity is recommended to help avoid falls and bone fractures.
The advantages of providing patients with tailored geriatric care
The most important features of caring for diabetic individuals over the age of 65
The best way to anticipate and prevent suicide attempts in elderly patients
How to plan and coordinate a safe release for a geriatric patient who is in need of assistance
Making dying people comfortable in their final days is a priority.
Geriatric care institutions can benefit from technological innovations.
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Health Concerns for Women
Women’s health issues are a diverse set of study topics that can be explored. You can choose something as innocuous as acne treatment, or you can opt to focus on the psychological aspect of things for victims of domestic abuse or rape. Whether you’re writing about suggested treatments or experimental techniques, make sure to provide information unique to women’s health.
The development of a chlamydia treatment strategy and the improvement of overall sexual health
After the death of the fetus, post-partum care is provided.
The factors that are contributing to rising infertility rates
What variables enhance the likelihood of developing osteoporosis in women?
The significance of mammograms and other breast cancer screening techniques
Preventative methods for the transmission of sexually transmitted illnesses
Obstacles that nurses must overcome when conducting reproductive health assessments
What can be done to assist female victims of domestic violence?
The prevention and treatment of premenstrual syndrome’s emotional and physical symptoms
Acne therapy and prevention in female patients are discussed in detail.
When it comes to obstetrics research, there are numerous opportunities to showcase your writing abilities. Choose a topic that you are enthusiastic about, and draw on your own personal experience or the first-hand tales of your friends to make your writings stand out. If you gather enough information, you may be able to develop your essay into a full-fledged case study in the future.
Adolescent pregnancy is connected with a number of dangers.
Why is the support provided by midwives to parents and doctors so underappreciated?
Workshops for new mothers to learn about their bodies and their options
The significance of being aware of one’s blood glucose levels while pregnant
The most effective treatment for pregnancy-induced hypertension is a combination of medications.
Is the use of an epidural safe for moms and their newborns?
The problems that overweight women encounter during pregnancy and childbirth are well documented.
The advantages and cons of delivering with a partner are discussed below.
Women’s health risks associated with having numerous pregnancies
For nine months, pregnant women should abstain from engaging in unhealthy activities.
Treatments that are standard
Choose one of these topics if you are not a fan of experimental tactics and would rather rely on tried-and-true methods of treating your health problem. You can choose any ailment or illness and research the standard protocols advised by either your country’s Ministry of Healthcare or the World Health Organization, or you can research all of them.
How can post-operative care improve the recovery rate of surgical patients?
Should nurses be given the authority to prescribe antibiotics without the involvement of a doctor?
The family support system for patients in intensive care units (ICUs).
Patients with diabetes should have a health care plan in place.
The advantages of oxygen therapy in the treatment of heart diseases
The principal causes of cerebrovascular accidents that result in brain cell injury are as follows:
Plan for primary health care for asthmatics
Rapid decision-making is essential in order to deal with anaphylactic shock.
Phlebotomy abilities are something that every nurse should have.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): prevention and management
Analgesia (Pain Management)
Pain management research is a critical component of nursing education because the majority of significant cases necessitate the administration of prescription medications with caution. Your article can include the most effective strategies, alternative pain management treatments, or particular considerations for addicts in recovery from substance abuse disorders.
Fibromyalgia patients have a variety of pain management alternatives.
Patients with chronic pain issues as a result of ineffective acute pain therapy
What can be done to make pain assessment procedures more accurate?
Benson’s relaxation therapy for post-cesarean mothers to help them cope with their pain
Treatments for pain alleviation following hospitalization
Is it possible for adolescents to develop addiction problems after taking opioid pain relievers as children?
Methods of pain treatment that are not pharmacological in nature
Among pediatric patients, there is an elevated risk of opioid toxicity.
Treatments for chronic pain that are non-pharmacological
Regimen for postoperative pain control.
Promotion of Health-Care Services
In the event that you don’t want to go into great detail about medical treatments for your essay, a health care topic on healthy lifestyle promotion can be right up your alley. Discuss the proper everyday choices for people who are at high risk for diabetes, stroke, obesity, adolescent pregnancy, and other diseases. You are not need to adhere to the criteria you have provided, though including personal touches may get you a few additional points in your submission.
How to stop the transmission of infectious diseases from spreading?
Preventing teen pregnancy among ethnic minorities is a priority.
Should obese nurses be fired for advocating a sedentary lifestyle, as opposed to being overweight themselves?
What are the consequences of drug usage among children and teenagers?
A diabetes-prevention lifestyle that includes a diet plan and physical activity
Increasing public awareness of skin cancer and ways of prevention
What can be done to deter adolescent smoking and drinking?
Increasing the public’s awareness of occupational hazards
The methods for preventing childhood obesity
Influenza immunization has numerous advantages for educators, law enforcement officers, and social workers.
Nursing Issues from a Professional Perspective
Nurses have extremely demanding and stressful jobs. As a future nursing professional, you should be aware of the psychological, legal, and financial difficulties you may encounter. By writing about one of these subjects, you will have a realistic understanding of the difficulties associated with your chosen job path and will be better prepared to deal with them in the future.
Managing uneasiness and anxiety in the workplace as a nurse
Through the use of benchmarking data, nurses can increase their overall productivity.
The benefits of collaborative nursing are numerous.
What can be done to address the scarcity of qualified nurses?
Nursing professionals should become more sensitive to cultural differences.
Nurses who have received overseas training must learn to adapt.
The legal difficulties that nurses may encounter
Nurses that provide intimate treatment to female patients are mostly men.
The obstacles that must be overcome on the path to become a licensed nurse
Should doctors and nurses have the authority to decide when to end the life of a patient who is not responding?