Posted: May 1st, 2022
To date, the effects of disaster events have been introduced through our course materials
To date, the effects of disaster events have been introduced through our course materials as well as the ways to interact with survivors of these disaster events. At particular risk for negative reaction in disaster situations, natural or man-made, are children and adolescents. Dependent upon the child’s/adolescent’s stage of development, responses to disaster events can vary significantly. Our course materials provide excellent guidance for those charged with aiding children and adolescents in disaster events.
After review of the course materials, share your understanding of assessing and providing appropriate disaster behavioral health care for children and adolescents.
Outlining how the process differs from that of disaster behavioral health with typical adult populations, note any significant factors you feel contribute to or hinder the recovery process with children and adolescents.
Response must be 350 words or more in APA format.
To date, our course materials have addressed the effects of disaster occurrences as well as strategies to communicate with survivors of these disaster events. Childrena and teenagers are more vulnerable to unfavorable reactions in crisis situations, whether natural or man-made. Responses to disaster occurrences might differ greatly depending on the child’s/developmental adolescent’s stage. Our course materials are fantastic resources for individuals tasked with assisting children and adolescents in catastrophe situations.
Share your understanding of assessing and providing appropriate disaster mental health treatment for children and adolescents after reviewing the course materials.
Outlining how the process differs from catastrophe behavioral health with regular adult populations, make a list of any key aspects you believe contribute to or hamper the recovery process.