Posted: March 3rd, 2022
TK:Assignment essay
This outline topic is on Violence (Guns)
Instructions: Outline format, Create a Policy, Subtitles only, and Paragraph form
1. Discussion of the social need/condition, including problem legitimization, policy introduction, values and self-interest, causal theory, and consequences of social problem (Section #1 is worth 30 points total):
A. Problem Legitimization: An examination of how the problem or need was defined and documented (10 points)
· Definition of Social Problem
· Statistics/Data around prevalence/frequency of the social problem
· Who the social problem affects (note any patterns re: gender identity, race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc.)
B. Policy Introduction: An explanation of your policy as it relates to your social problem (5 points)
· What is the policy and WHEN was the policy introduced/authorized?
· Why was the policy implemented?
C. Values and Self Interest: Discussion of how values and self-interest shaped the definition and documentation of the social problem and the policy itself.
(5 points)
· History of the problem and the values that contributed to the problem
· Social Work Values that influenced/help craft the policy of interest
D. Causal Theory: Discussion of one causal theory that has been developed based on the definition of the social problem (5 points)
· What theory is related to the social problem? What theory helps explain the problem?
E. Consequences of the Social Problem: The consequences that are ascribed to the social problem (5 points)
· What are the direct social and individual consequences of the social problem? (i.e., mortality consequences? Public health consequences? Economic/Financial consequences? Emotional/Mental Health consequences? Familial/Relational consequences? ETC!)
2. Policy analysis, including latent and manifest goals, benefits/services provided, eligibility and delivery systems, financing, and evaluation (section #2 is worth 30 points total)
A. Latent and manifest goals (10 points)
· What are the SPECIFIC goals (i.e., the manifest goals) of the policy you have chosen? (DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE GOALS OR YOU WILL BE PENALIZED.)
· What are the secondary, perhaps unintentional goals (i.e., the latent goals) of the policy you have chosen? Did the policy you chose help/aid/benefit any other population outside of your specific interest?
B. Benefits and Services provided (15 points)
· What are the benefits of the policy for the population affected? (BE SPECIFIC!)
· What are the direct or indirect services that are provided to the population affected through the policy?
C. Eligibility and Delivery Systems (10 points)
· Who is eligible for the policy?
· How is the policy “delivered” or “rolled out?” (i.e., who oversees the policy? What delivery systems are in place for the policy?)
E. Evaluation and Recommendations (15 points)
· Is the policy, itself, strengths-based? How so?
· What would you change about the policy to make it more reflective of the strength-based approach and why?
Formatting – Formatting, Grammar, Syntax, etc. is worth a total of 20 points
A. APA format must be used – Refer to the APA Manual or Purdue OWL
B. 5-7 pages in length NOT including the title page or references
C. A minimum of 5 PEER-REVIEWED SOURCES must be used
D. Proper grammar and punctuation – Use Grammarly or the Writing Center on campus