Posted: January 4th, 2023
Through collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals
IHP 501 Module Eight Activity Worksheet
Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. The purpose of this worksheet is to structure your submission to cover each of the relevant topics where the substance of your response is the focus instead of academic formatting. Your responses should be in paragraph format and comprehensively address all the directions and questions in the prompt.
Your Role: [Insert text.]
1. United States of America
• Function
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Preparation
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Cultural Competence
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
2. [Country A—Replace this heading with the name of your selected country.]
• Function
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Preparation
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Cultural Competence
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
3. [Country B—Replace this heading with the name of your selected country.]
• Function
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Preparation
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
• Cultural Competence
[Insert short response in one to two paragraphs.]
4. Comparison
[Insert detailed response in several paragraphs.]
[Cite sources according to APA style.]
Through collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals, interdisciplinary teams focus on improving individual, family, and community well-being. Therefore, your role within this interdisciplinary team becomes crucial. To be prepared to participate in a global setting, an understanding of your role as a healthcare provider functioning as a member of an interdisciplinary team is required.
By investigating the scholarly literature, you will answer the questions: What are the professional requirements and scope of practice of a person who fulfills your role on an interdisciplinary team in the specified country? What do you need to prepare to function in your role competently? What actions would be performed by your role on an interdisciplinary team? What is your role in an international context?
To complete the provided worksheet, identify your role and compare your role on an interdisciplinary healthcare team in the United States to that same role in two other countries of your choice.
Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. United States of America: Analyze your role in the United States in terms of its function and required preparation, as well as its importance in supporting a culturally competent, interdisciplinary healthcare team.
o Function: Describe the professional requirements and scope of practice of a person who fulfills your role on the interdisciplinary team in the specified country. In other words, what is the function of your role on the interdisciplinary team? What tasks can be anticipated, and how might those actions facilitate the function of the team?
o Preparation: Consider the preparation required to function in your role competently. In other words, what skills and supplies are required to perform the role appropriately in the specified culture?
o Cultural Competence: Assess your role as a culturally competent health worker on the interdisciplinary health team in the specified country. What is required for a person in your role to be culturally competent? For example, what are the unique cultural characteristics that should inform your practice? Describe the impact of a culturally competent interaction among healthcare workers on the team. How might a lack of cultural awareness or sensitivity negatively impact team function?
2. Country A: Analyze your role in your selected country in terms of its function and required preparation, as well as its importance in supporting a culturally competent, interdisciplinary healthcare team. Be sure to address all the aspects indicated in the worksheet.
3. Country B: Analyze your role in your selected country in terms of its function and required preparation, as well as its importance in supporting a culturally competent, interdisciplinary healthcare team. Be sure to address all the aspects indicated in the worksheet.
4. Comparison: Compare your role in the United States to your two selected countries of interest. Provide evidence-based discussion about the similarities and differences between the role expressed in each country compared to the United States.