Posted: May 1st, 2022
This may be an epidemic of disease (for example, the COVID19 pandemic);
Case Study
The first assessment task is a case study of about 2000 words that you will complete on an individual basis. The case study will require you to choose one of the eight stakeholder groups listed below and discuss their role in a public health emergency; the nature and direction of their interest based on their position in the community and their function in society; and the factors that may affect their actions. You must also choose a specific emergency situation from which you will draw examples to illustrate your discussion. This may be an epidemic of disease (for example, the COVID19 pandemic); a natural disaster (flood, bushfire, earthquake, etc); or an anthropogenic event (chemical spill, industrial explosion, etc). You ust specific the emergency and stakeholder groups clearly in the introduction to the case study. You will also need to use appropriate academic references to support your understanding of stakeholder participation, communication needs, responsibilities, and so forth as relevant.
The stakeholders you may choose from are:
1. Local government
2. Science/health experts
3. Local business interests
4. The media
5. Representatives of the long-term community (people who have lived in a given location for 10 years or more)
6. Representatives of new groups (people who have recently arrived in or moved to a given location)
7. Local health care personnel
8. State (or higher level) government
Your case study must have the following sections: 1) Introduction – identifies the chosen stakeholder, the emergency and gives a general indication of who they are or what they do; 2) Roles in a Public health Event – for the stakeholder group you have chosen, describe their role in a public health emergency; make sure to consider whether their role is official or non-official and whether they are personally at risk of health impacts and ithe other kinds of risk they experience; 3) Risks and Responsibilities – for the group you have chosen, describe the nature of the risks identified in the previous section; make sure to consider whether the risk is direct or indirect, whether it is a risk to health or another kind of risk, what the specific health or non-health risk involves, and what the group’s responsibilities are in relation to the public health emergency and its own and the risks of other stakeholders; The following sections must be included in your case study: I Introduction: Identifies and describes who the chosen stakeholder is, what the emergency is, and offers a general description of who they are or what they do. The role of each stakeholder group you have selected in a public health emergency should be described in detail, taking into consideration whether their role is official or non-official, as well as whether they are personally at risk of health consequences and any other risks that they may be exposed to. 3) Risks and Responsibilities – for the group you have selected, describe the nature of the risks identified in the previous section; be sure to consider whether the risk is direct or indirect, whether it is a health risk or another kind of risk, what the specific health or non-health risk entails, and what the group’s responsibilities are in relation to the public health emergency and its own and other stakeholders’ risks; and 4. Contribution to Decision-Making in the Context of a Public Health Emergency – For the group you have selected, consider how they contribute to decision-making in the context of a public health emergency; be sure to discuss whether their contribution is official or unofficial, the channel through which they might influence the decision-making process, and the extent to which their impact is informed by evidence-based and non-evidence-based knowledge; and and The position of your chosen stakeholder group in a public health emergency should be discussed; you may want to consider whether they are actors or bystanders, for example; you may want to use some other classification; however, you should state whether your chosen stakeholder group is likely to be significantly affected, the nature of that impact and why you believe this will occur.4) Role in Public health Decision-Making – for the group you have chosen, consider how they contribute to decision-making in the context of a public health emergency; be sure to discuss whether their contribution is official or unofficial, the channel through which they might affect the decision-making process. and the degree to which their impact is informed by evidence-based and non-evidence-based knowledge; and 5) Conclusion – discuss the position of the stakeholder group you have chosen in a public health emergency; you may want to consider whether they are actors or bystanders, for example, or use some other classification, but be sure to state whether your chosen stakeholder group is likely to be affected significantly, the nature of the impact, and why you believe this would occur.
This assignment must be written in a formal, academic style (not first person) and must be fully referenced. Harvard referencing is preferred for this unit. If you need help with referencing, please consult the referencing guides available online and through the Library as soon as possible.
You must achieve a mark of 50% on this assignment to pass the unit.