Posted: April 20th, 2022
This is an Assignment for ITNPBD2 and it will account for 50% of your mark in the modul
Due Thursday by 17:00 Points 100 Submitting a file upload File types ipynb Available after 22 Mar at 10:00
Read the instructions carefully from start to finish before you begin
This is an Assignment for ITNPBD2 and it will account for 50% of your mark in the module.
You have 3 weeks to complete the assignment, and the deadline for submission is 17:00 (UK time) on Thursday April 14th. It is your responsibility to submit in time and take into account that technical support is unlikely to be available after 16:30 GMT on the day of submission. You are allowed to submit at any time before the deadline, you can update your submission as often as you like, and only the last submission will be marked. If an update of a submission is received late, after the deadline and before marking takes place, then only the last update will be considered for marking and late penalties will be applied.
Late penalties will apply at a rate of three marks per day. Extensions will only be considered under acceptable circumstances outside your control and when appropriate supporting documents are provided. Any extension request that does not contain substantiating details and/or documents will be automatically rejected. For further details on the Universitys policy on coursework extensions see sections 46-54 in the quality handbook: (
Please read every section of this page very carefully before starting on your work, it contains information on how your submission will be marked, very important information about Academic Integrity and instructions on how to submit. Not following the guidelines and/or instructions will affect your grade.
At the bottom of this page you will find instructions on how to download the notebook template that contains the specific tasks and questions.
Marking Scheme
The assessment will be marked against the university Common Marking Scheme (CMS)
Here is a summary of what you need to achieve to gain a grade in the major grade bands:
Grade Requirement
Your answers to the questions do not demonstrate that you have understood the basics of the topic’s subject. Your code does not run or
Fail does not achieve even the basics of the task, and you have not given any indications or explanations for choices of methods or intentions.
Your answers to the questions only demonstrate that you have understood the basics of the topic’s subject. You must also submit
Pass sufficient working code to show that you have mastered the basics of the task, even if not everything works completely. You include some justifications for choice of methods, but without mentioning alternatives.
Your answers to the questions demonstrate that you have understood the topic’s subject. Your code is mostly correct, with only small problems
Merit or parts missing, and your comments are useful. Most choices for methods and structures are explained and alternatives are mentioned.
You demonstrate full understanding of the topic’s subject. Your code is working, correct, and well commented and shows an appreciation of
Distinction style, efficiency and reliability. All choices for methods and structures are concisely justified and alternatives are given well thought considerations.
Note that in the overall scheme, the documentation/report and the programming tasks will be collectively considered and these descriptions above assume equal effort has been put into all aspects of the class test. If your achievements in different parts of your submission matches different grade descriptions above, your final grade for the class test will be the approximate weighted average of the estimated grade category of all the parts as deemed by the academic judgement of the marker. The full details of the CMS can be found here
Academic Integrity
This is an individual assignment, and so all submitted work must be fully your own work. You are free to look up any online resources during your work on the assignment, however any attempt to communicate details of your solutions or approaches with others, whether other students or people outwith the University, is not acceptable.
The University of Stirling is committed to protecting the quality and standards of its awards.
Consequently, the University seeks to promote and nurture academic integrity, support staff academic integrity, and support students to understand and develop good academic skills that facilitate academic integrity.
In addition, the University deals decisively with all forms of Academic Misconduct.
Where a student does not act with academic integrity, their work or behaviour may demonstrate Poor Academic Practice or it may represent Academic Misconduct.
Poor Academic Practice
Poor Academic Practice is defined as: -The submission of any type of assessment with a lack of referencing or inadequate referencing which does not effectively acknowledge the origin of words, ideas, images, tables, diagrams, maps, code, sound and any other sources used in the assessment.-
Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct is defined as: -any act or attempted act that does not demonstrate academic integrity and that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for you or another person, or an academic disadvantage for any other member or member of the academic community.-
The University recognises, amongst others, the following forms of academic misconduct:
Plagiarism: -a specific form of cheating which usually occurs when a student is working independently on an assessment (e.g. essays, reports, presentations or dissertations). Examples of other people’s ‘work’ can include anything taken from any form of publications, internet sources, the spoken word, graphics, data and written text. –
Self-plagiarism: where -Duplicate submission of an item of written work in any other circumstance is not allowed and constitutes academic misconduct.- unless expressly allowed/required.
Inappropriate use of proof-reading: -Students cannot ask other people to write their work for them and should not use software (e.g. spinning web sites, re-wording web sites or translation software) to generate text for them.-
Collusion: -When one student copies the work of another student either with or without the knowledge of the original author; or when two or more students work together to produce individual assessments.-
Contract Cheating: -takes place when a student submits work for assessment that was completed by a third-party either for payment or for free. It is a broad category that includes, but is not limited to, work bought from so-called essay mills, customised work commissioned from ghost writers, and selling or exchanging work for use by others. A further example would be a friend or family member completing an assessment for a student. Work in this category covers the whole spectrum of assessment types. Any form of contract cheating constitutes academic misconduct, often of the most serious form.- More details about contract cheating can be found here: Contract Cheating – Dont take the risk
Dishonest Practice: -includes a wide variety of activities that aim to obtain an unfair advantage through:
Making false declarations to Faculties, Academic Staff members, Boards of Examiners or Appeal Panels.
Attempts to circumvent the similarity checking programmes that the University uses.
Submitting documents which have been forged in any way.
Attempting to gain or gaining access to examination or class test papers prior to their release and/or sharing examination or class test papers prior to their release.
Deliberate avoidance or refusal to engage with the relevant ethics review and approval process.-
The University of Stirlings full policy on Academic Integrity can be found at: (
You will be provided with a Jupyter notebook file which is the template for the submission and which contains all questions and tasks you need to complete.
Here is how you get that file:
1. Go to this page:
2. Insert your 7 digit student number (You should be able to locate it on the Portal and on your student
3. And click Download
4. Save the downloaded file on your machine or wherever you want to work on it from.
Prepare for submission
Prepare your submission in the Jupyter Notebook file that you downloaded from the link above. Make sure that you have executed all cells, so that the intended output is visible and clear. Not doing this, will affect your grade.
Submit that file, and that file only, here on this Canvas assignment page. No additional files will be inspected and considered when marking your submission. It is your responsibility to make sure that the submitted file is clearly legible and displays correctly in a Jupyter Notebook software. Submitting ineligible or corrupt files that do not display correctly or do not demonstrate intended output will affect your final mark.
Points 100 are due by Thursday at 17:00. Making a file upload ipynb file types After March 22nd at 10:00 a.m.
Before you begin, carefully read the instructions from beginning to end.
This is an Assignment for ITNPBD2, and it will count for 50% of your module grade.
You have three weeks to complete the assignment, and the deadline for submission is Thursday, April 14th at 17:00 (UK time). It is your responsibility to submit on time, and please keep in mind that technical support will most likely be unavailable after 16:30 GMT on the day of submission. You may submit at any time before the deadline, and you may update your submission as often as you like; however, only the most recent submission will be considered.