Posted: May 1st, 2022
This assessment aims to enable students to complete the short answer on some common health
CASE STUDY- with short answers
Aim of assessment:
This assessment aims to enable students to complete the short answer on some common health
conditions using evidence-based information from relevant literature.
Word Count:
There is a word limit of 1500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10%-word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500 words plus 10%
Assessment details:
Mr John Hemsley, a 56-year-old male, presented to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting associated with recurrent episodes of constipation. The onset of symptoms was three (3) months ago. In the past four (4) weeks Mr Hemsley experienced unexplained episodes of fatigue. On toileting, he also observed that his stools were often long and narrow with small amounts of bright blood on
the toilet paper. He ignored these syndromes as he was too embarrassed to talk about them. The emergency Physician performed a digital rectal examination to rule out haemorrhoids, colorectal cancer or anal fissures. The main finding was a firm irregular non-capsulated mass in John’s rectum. Mr Hemsley was subsequently admitted under the care of a Gastrointestinal specialist for further investigations and management of pain. On day two (2) as an inpatient, a colonoscopy was performed, and a biopsy was resected from the large sessile lesion located in the proximal third of the rectum and three polyps were also removed from the colon. The biopsy results confirmed a stage IIA rectal adenocarcinoma. Following the above findings, Mr Hemsley was scheduled for surgery.
Abdominal-perineal resection and the formation of a sigmoid colostomy was performed. There were no complications reported during his surgical procedure. The surgeon commenced him on analgesia of Morphine 2.5mg – 5mg PRN 2-4 hourly and I.V. 4mg-8mg Ondansetron PRN 8 hourly for nausea while admitted in a Surgical ward.
Medical/Social background: Mr Hemsley stated that his father had died from bowel cancer at the age of 84 years old, and his younger brother was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when he was 18 years old. Mr Hemsley reported that he was physically active as a “young man” but over the last 10 years; however, he had lived a sedentary lifestyle resulting in 20kgs weight gain (current weight – 107kg). Mr Hemsley had “given up” regular smoking of cigarettes for the last five (5) years but resorted to “occasional” cigarette smoking on the weekends.
Answer the following three (3) Short Answer Questions:
Cancer control is one of the Australian National Health Priority areas; address the following three
(3) questions on bowel cancer based on Mr Hemsley in the case study.
Question 1: Describe how the administration of Morphine alters Mr Hemsley’s conscious perception
of pain (300 words), and discuss three (3) specific nursing responsibilities (with rationales)
required for the safe administration of Morphine. (400 words)
Question 2: Identify and discuss (giving rationales) the benefits of three (3) non-pharmacological
nursing interventions that may be implemented when managing Mr Hemsley’s post-operative pain.
(300 words)
Question 3: Identify and discuss two (2) possible complications and the associated nursing
interventions of priority when managing Mr Hemsley’s colostomy during the first 24- 48hrs postoperatively. (500 words)
Submission Requirements:
1. Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment.
Students are NOT required to submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus. 2. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the Subject vUWS site.
3. Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_Firstname_assessment title
4. Your assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx format.
5. This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your
responsibility to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.
(i) A minimum of 5 references are to be used for this assessment including the three (3) mandatory references
The three (3) mandatory references for this assessment are:
Gumus,K., Musuroglu, S., Ozlu, Z.K., & Tasci, O. (2020). Determining the Use of Nonpharmacologic Methods by Surgical Nurses for Postoperative Pain Management and the Influencing Professional Factors: A Multicenter Study. Journal of PeriAnesthesia
Nursing, 35, 75-79.
Telford, A. (2020). Role of the nurse in supporting the safe use of opioids. Nursing Standard, 35(9), 77-82.
Zelga, P., Kluska, P., Zelga, M., Piasecka-Zelga, J., & Dziki, A. (2021). Patient-Related Factors Associated With Stoma and Peristomal Complications Following Fecal Ostomy Surgery. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 48(5):415-430.
ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may
assist you. Please refer to the Subject’s vUWS site for specific Subject resources.
iii. Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer
back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during Subject delivery.
iv. Do not use non-credible internet sources for this assessment; only use textbooks and peer-reviewed resources.
The assessment’s goal is to:
The goal of this evaluation is for students to be able to complete a short answer on some prevalent health issues.
circumstances based on evidence-based information gleaned from relevant literature
Word Count:
There is a word limit of 1500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10%-word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500 words plus 10%
Assessment details:
Mr John Hemsley, a 56-year-old male, presented to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting associated with recurrent episodes of constipation.