Posted: October 13th, 2022
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
PART 1 Assignment
Read Book Sections
pt. 4. Choices in Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman and Part II There’s More to Morality than Harm and Fairness in the Righteous Mind
The max score on the assignments will be determined by your understanding of the readings.
Writing Assignment:
For this assignment I want you to describe a personal story where you or another person made a decision(s) with some of the heuristics described in Thinking Fast and Slow and A Righteous Mind. Your story should include:
1.) An introduction explaining your understanding of the assignment and what the decision was.
2.) How would Daniel Kahneman (1a. Classical Economic Rationality, 1b. Utility Theory, 1b. Prospect Theory) and Johnathan Haidt (2a. Plato, 2b. WEIRD Psychologists, 2c. Poor Brazilians, 2d. Liberals and 2e. Conservatives) describe the thought process you had while making this decision.
3.) Use the readings and the theories in the readings to describe the process of making this decision and explain why it was finally made and how it would be rationalized by all of the different systems of decision-making we have learned about in our readings. Explain why this decision was made in the end and how it would be rationalized by all of the different decision-making systems we have learned about in our readings. Use the readings and the theories in the readings to describe the process of making this decision and explain why it was made in the end.
2.5 Pages
PART 2 Discussion
Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty
Just a 200 words discussion about the readings
Amazon book