Posted: October 11th, 2022
Theories of conflict and international law
There are different methods to deal with microorganisms’ growth.
Write an essay about the various physical methods used by microbiologists to control microbial growth.
Use APA guidelines for proper citations.
Essay’s minimum words: 500
Theories of conflict and international law
Note: This is 20 page progressive delivery order. ,,,but we shall deliver 10 pages first and then complete the paper once the first part is approved
Paper format:
20 pages (5500 words) Single spaced
PowerPoint slides:
Sources to be cited:
Paper instructions: and contrast the IR theories
What to address:
1.history and background of each theory.
2. Key concepts and main idea.
Provide a comparative assessment of each theory highlighting the differences and possible similarities between both.
3.provides concluding summary of what policy makers in the United Arab Emirates could learn from studying thes theories in greater detail, and what perspective they can give to the decision makers.
Take note that this discussion needs to revolve around international law and various conceptions of conflict.
message sent in by the customer
If the new writer won’t any thing before start just inform atherwise it’s clear,,, I don’t have time more to lose. Hello, it is fine that you can conduct their study; but, please make sure that it is related to my themes of international law and conflict. Hello, I won’t be doing study on both subjects. 1. armed war 2. the rule of international law
The attached abstract is a reference example