Posted: May 1st, 2022
The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in education
The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in education provides better student engagement and a fascinating learn by doing instructions It also helps educational institutions in students recruitment and retention. However, using VR/AR may not be always advantageous. For instance, VR and AR technologies can collect far more personal information than traditional systems. Also, VR and AR technologies can collect biometric data used in authentication systems by scanning retinal and Irises of individuals. Design and conduct a study to investigate the following:
1. Investigate and summarize the VR and AR technologies hardware and software components especially the ones used in education.
2. How AR and VR technologies are used by students and educators in Education? e.g., Virtual Classroom, virtual assignments, field trips, etc. Identify all possible scenarios and discuss their impact on learning outcomes.
3. Identify the security, privacy and societal issues of VR and AR in Education including how these technologies can be misused and/or abused. How these affect learning outcomes and student assessment and other aspects? Solution to resolve these issues.
4. What others have done to address this issue? For example, any previous efforts to study the use of VR and AR in education? Any previous efforts to resolve the privacy, security and society issues in using VR an AR in education? (last 3 years)
5. Design and conduct a survey on students and educators to measure the following (1) students and educators’ familiarity with the use of AR/VR in education? (2) students’ and educators’ awareness of the security, privacy and societal implications. (3) students and educators knowledge on how to resolve these issues.
6. Analyze the study results and come up with a list of recommendations for educators and students
Instructions: Your paper should address the topic based on the concepts and techniques learned in the course. Your paper should describe three most important literature and recent sources. Reference should be in APA style.
Paper Outline:
• Abstract (5 pts) •
Introduction [Describe the problem and your paper goal] (5 pts)
• Motivation [Discuss importance of online tools in education] (5 pts)
• Related Work [Question 3] (5 pts)
• Study Approach [Answer Questions 4 here, and list your study method questions] (30 pts)
• Study Method [ What were the details of the study design? Participants? Tasks? Environment? Procedure? Data collected? Analysis method?] (20 pts)
• Study Results [Question 5. What results and/or findings came out of the study?] (20 pts)
• Discussion [Did you find any interesting insights or implications based on this work? Any future work plans? Recommendations?] (5 pts)
• Claims/Conclusion. [ What key claims and findings that support these claims? Also, list other contributions] (5 pts)
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The usage of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in education improves student engagement and gives a captivating learn by doing experience. It also aids educational institutions in the recruitment and retention of students. Using VR/AR, on the other hand, may not always be advantageous. For example, virtual reality and augmented reality technology can capture significantly more personal information than traditional systems. In addition, by scanning users’ retinas and irises, VR and AR technology can capture biometric data for use in authentication systems. Create and carry out a study to look into the following:
1. Research and summarize the hardware and software components of VR and AR technologies, particularly those utilized in education.
2. How are AR and VR technologies being used by students and educators in the classroom? For example, virtual classrooms, virtual assignments, field excursions, and so on.