Posted: April 9th, 2022
The U.S. health care system has undergone many changes in its history
Discussion Question – 400 words – In-text citations and References (4-7-22)
The U.S. health care system has undergone many changes in its history. Complete the following for this Discussion Board:
• What do you believe is the greatest achievement that the health care industry has made from both the patient and provider perspectives? Why?
• Do you believe that there is too much or too little redundancy in our health care delivery system? Where does most of the redundancy occur? Where should we have more redundancy (second opinions)?
Discussion Response – 250 words (4-7-22)
EMR applications can boost the quality and safety of patient care. With an EMR system, you can prescribe and order medication for patients online more safely as you will know if the patient was prescribed any medication from another physician. You can also immediately know each patient’s medical problems and any allergies they may have. With such detailed information available at your fingertips, your staff can more easily give your patients the safe, efficient and personalized care that they deserve.
Patients can also become more involved in their care by exploring patient-specific education resources. EMR systems will provide links to articles, videos, and images that can help patients better understand their specific healthcare situation. With this technology, patients can make more informed decisions about medical procedures and lifestyle adjustments. I work for the Veterans Health Administration Hospital and we utilize EMR’s called My- Healthy- Vet. It allows the patient to have access to their records and navigate or control the services and care they desire immediately, without having to try and connect to the providers office. This also cuts down on stress for the provider and patient.
400-word discussion question with in-text sources and references (4-7-22)
The health-care system in the United States has undergone numerous modifications over its history. Fill out the following forms for this Discussion Board:
• What do you consider to be the most significant success of the health-care business, from both the patient and provider perspectives? Why?
• Do you believe our health-care delivery system has too much or too little redundancy? Where is the majority of the redundancy found? Where do we need additional redundancy (second thoughts)?
Response to Discussion – 250 words (4-7-22)
EMR applications have the potential to improve the quality and safety of patient treatment. You can prescribe and order medication for patients online more safely using an EMR system because you will know if the patient was provided any medication.