Posted: August 7th, 2023
The Roman Mos Maiorum and Laws on Sexuality
Heterosexism Discussion. Choose a topic below and discuss how sexuality played a role in the conflict.
Sacred Band of Thebes/ Spartan military life – the role of the Greek military cultures and sexuality 400-280 BCE
The Roman mos maiorum and laws on sexuality (Anti-homosexuality in ancient Rome) – 100 BCE – 400 CE
The Church and sexuality – Middle Ages – 800 CE – 1100CE
Renaissance and Sexuality – Italy and Germany -1380-1600 CE
The Bible and homosexuality – 600 BCE – 100 CE
The Nazis and the homosexual solution – 1933-1945
The AIDS epidemic and its effects on American perceptions of homosexuality – 1979-1989
Indigenous Americans and homosexuality (choose a tribe or tribes and demonstrate how their attitudes on sexuality differed greatly from modern ideas) – 100-1800 CE
Ancient Egyptians and homosexuality – 3000 BCE – 400 BCE
Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and homosexuality
Any of your choosing with the professor’s approval
Answer the following questions in number format (#1 – 6). 2-3 pages. APA format for in-text citations and bibliography only. 12 Font Times New Roman only.
All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion.
What made you choose the topic this week? What interested you about that period?
Write a brief description of what class(es) are involved in your chosen topic.
What attitudes about sexuality contributed to your conflict?
How did the cultural ideals, values, and beliefs change or return to tradition during and after the conflict?
How did the people involved in your conflict perceive sexuality? Has that changed or stayed the same in that culture in modern times?
In what way did your culture’s ideas/conflict on sexuality influence modern American life and concepts of sex/gender/orientation?
The Roman Mos Maiorum and Laws on Sexuality: Anti-Homosexuality in Ancient Rome (100 BCE – 400 CE)
Introduction: Choosing the Topic
The topic of the Roman Mos Maiorum and laws on sexuality during ancient Rome piqued my interest due to its historical significance and relevance to understanding how past societies grappled with issues of sexuality. The period from 100 BCE to 400 CE witnessed the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, which had a profound impact on the Western world. Exploring the attitudes towards homosexuality during this era provides valuable insights into the social, cultural, and legal aspects of sexuality in antiquity.
Description of Involved Classes
This topic involves studying the ancient Roman society, particularly focusing on the concept of Mos Maiorum, which refers to the unwritten customs and traditions that governed Roman life. We will delve into the legal codes and cultural norms surrounding sexuality during this period, especially those pertaining to homosexuality.
Attitudes about Sexuality and Their Role in the Conflict
The Roman society held complex attitudes towards sexuality, with homosexuality being a subject of considerable debate and contention. While same-sex relationships were relatively common in ancient Rome, there was a distinction between socially accepted forms of same-sex love and relationships considered morally reprehensible. The latter included same-sex relations between freeborn Roman citizens and young boys, as well as the passive role in homosexual relationships, which was viewed as emasculating and socially unacceptable.
The conflict arose from the tension between the traditional Roman values and the increasing influence of Greek cultural norms, which were more permissive towards certain forms of same-sex relationships. This dichotomy created a clash between the conservative elements of Roman society and those who sought to embrace or imitate Greek practices.
Cultural Ideals, Values, and Beliefs During and After the Conflict
During the conflict, Roman society grappled with the incorporation of Greek cultural elements into their daily lives, including attitudes towards sexuality. The conservative Roman values aimed to maintain the traditional family structure and hierarchical social order, which clashed with the more fluid and permissive nature of certain Greek practices.
After the conflict, the Roman authorities attempted to reaffirm traditional values, resulting in the enforcement of strict laws against homosexuality. The Lex Scantinia, enacted in the 2nd century BCE, criminalized certain same-sex acts, particularly those involving freeborn Roman citizens. This legislative measure reflected the return to traditional Roman values and a suppression of Greek cultural influences.
Perceptions of Sexuality in Ancient Roman Culture and Modern Times
In ancient Roman culture, sexuality was deeply intertwined with notions of masculinity, citizenship, and social status. While certain forms of same-sex relationships were tolerated, engaging in specific practices could lead to social ostracization and legal consequences.
In modern times, the perception of ancient Roman sexuality has evolved, with scholars emphasizing the complexity and diversity of sexual practices within the society. Moreover, there is a greater understanding of the influence of cultural exchanges and the complexities of sexual norms during that era.
Influence on Modern American Life and Concepts
The Roman views on sexuality and the subsequent conflict have had a profound impact on Western attitudes towards homosexuality. The ancient Roman disapproval of certain same-sex relationships and the subsequent criminalization of such acts can be seen as precursors to later anti-homosexual sentiments in Western societies.
Throughout history, the understanding of sexuality and the acceptance of diverse sexual orientations have evolved significantly. Modern American society has, to a large extent, rejected the discriminatory practices of ancient Rome and, instead, embraced a more inclusive and accepting approach to sexuality and gender orientation.
Richlin, A. (2016). Not before Homosexuality: The Materiality of the Cinaedus and the Roman Law against Love between Men. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 25(3), 376-406.
Williams, C. A. (2018). Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. Oxford University Press.
Nussbaum, M. C. (2018). The Invention of Sexuality. University of Chicago Press.
Saller, R. P. (2019). Abusing the Amphidromia: Pederasty, Marriage, and the Law in Ancient Athens. In Eros and Greek Athletics (pp. 75-88). Oxford University Press.