Posted: July 20th, 2022
The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making
The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making
The Contribution of RNs and APRNs to the Formulation of Policy Registered Nurses (RNs) and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Registered Nurses, also known as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), are in an excellent position to play an important part in the redesign of the future of healthcare (Milstead & Short, 2019). Because of their education, history, practice, and organizational involvement, nurses are widely regarded as the most trustworthy profession in the world. This is especially true in light of the recent health policy disasters brought on by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. In addition, nurses have the necessary skills, abilities, and bravery, as well as the respect of the general public for the work that they do, to participate in and have an impact on the formulation of health policy (Anders, 2021). The field of nursing should take the lead in advocating for policies to improve the social conditions that shape the well-being of disadvantaged populations and should bear the initial responsibility for doing so. According to Williams et al. (2018), “less fortunate people are less likely to be in good health, less fortunate people are less likely to have access to quality healthcare services, and more unfortunate people are more likely to die prematurely.” Because policies can have an effect on both the degree to which patients are satisfied with their care and the outcomes of their treatment, registered nurses have both the responsibility and the obligation to participate in the formulation of healthcare policies.
Joining a professional nursing organization is just one of the many options open to registered nurses who are interested in getting involved in politics and policy discussions at the state and federal levels. Even though the high cost of membership is one of the obstacles that RNs and APRNs may face and cause them to be prevented from joining a professional organization, some choose to do so anyway. While at the same time advocating for both their patients and the nursing profession, nurses are able to have an impact on the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare. In addition, nurses are able to develop close relationships with their patients, which enables them to advocate for their patients’ requirements and rights (Anders, 2021). The leadership of community health initiatives, such as disease screening methods to raise awareness of vital health issues or vaccination events to increase understanding of crucial public health resources, is another way for nurses to participate in politics and the making of policies. However, the challenges that may be presented by these opportunities include a lack of time, resources, and assets, as well as a lack of knowledge and experience regarding the nature of the professional organization (Williams et al., 2018).
According to Williams et al(2018) .’s explanation, “Evidence-based, effective policies can ensure healthier communities and address the lack of access to social and material resources that form the root of health inequities.” [Citation needed] It is possible for nurses to advocate for the social policies that will best promote equity, justice, and fairness in health care.
Today, hospitals and health systems are initiating an inside-out approach in order to identify the unmet social needs of the people they serve and develop strategies to meet those needs. To begin addressing housing instability, transportation needs, and food insecurity, a nurse and future advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) can begin by gathering information on the availability of internal and external collaborations (Williams et al., 2018). Additionally, nurses are able to screen patients and collaborate with other non-clinically focused departments, such as social workers, case managers, food service personnel, and other departments, in order to support patients’ social needs. Additionally, gaining the support of the public is another important factor in the process of policy change; however, it is essential to ensure that you have the political will to see the change through (Williams et al., 2018). The late strategies have the potential to alter the perceptions held by nurses and motivate them to take a more active role in policy and politics.
Anders, R. L. (2021, January). Nursing forum on the topic of involving nurses in the development of health policy in the era of COVID-19. Milstead, J. A., and Short, N. M. Retrieved on July 15, 2022, from (2019). A guide for registered nurses on health policy and politics (6th ed.). Learning resources from Jones & Bartlett.
Williams, S.D., Phillips, J.M., Koyama, K. (2018) “Nurse Advocacy: Embracing an Approach That Considers Health in All Policies” The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Volume 23, Issue 3, Manuscript 1 (OJIN).
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