Posted: February 21st, 2022
The role of the organisation
Volkswagen Group UK is therefore sometimes referred to as NSO: National Sales Office. The group supports a network of currently approximately 800 franchised retailers. Through that network VWG UK aims to deliver excellent Customer Service through Sales and After Sales processes. The ultimate goal is to maximize the opportunities for Volkswagen Group products and services in the UK marketplace that is to generate demand and then secure the supply to satisfy the demand.
We look at innovative ways of delivering this process at the lowest possible cost. For example through E-Business advances. History In the very early years of Audi, over a century ago, August Horch, driven by high standards and passion, designed “good, strong vehicles for discerning tastes”. And this has stayed the same right up to the present day: the name Audi stands for high-quality vehicles with advanced technology and progressive design – summed up in the company slogan: “Vorsprung durch Technik”.
The Audi logo – the ‘Four Rings’ – is the emblem of one of the oldest car manufacturers in Germany. It symbolizes the merger completed in 1932 of four independent vehicle manufacturers: Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer. Together with the brand NSU, which was incorporated in 1969, they are the forefathers of today’s AUDI AG. The systematic expansion of the dealer network has played a key role in success of Audi Ag.
As time as gone on Audi have improved there sales and have opened more dealerships around the world. And recently Audi had purchased the large sports car manufactures known as Lamborghini. Compared to Audi ag’s other car manufacturers the number of employees for Audi has risen steadily. From this table we can see Audi’s success to date. Each year there turnover increases and so does the number of employees and cars built.
Success to date. From this we can see that compared to last year there has been n increase in everything from external revenue to profit before tax. From this we can see that sales as a whole have increased. In countries like the Great Britain and china sales have increased compared to last year. Types of Business. Sole trader- A sole trader [or sole proprietor] exists where a single person owns a business. This is a very common form of organisation in the UK. Over recent years, the number of sole traders has grown significantly. There are several reasons for this trend including more opportunities to work for firms on consultancy basis and government support for self-employment. Most sole traders work on their own.
The essential feature of this type of business is that the sole trader has full responsibility for the financial control of his or her business, for meeting capital requirements and running costs and full personal liability in the case of debt.The advantages of being a sole trader are that the sole trader has 100% control of their organisation and they are involved in the day-to-day control of what goes on. But the main advantage is that all the profits go to the sole trader.
The disadvantage of being a sole trader is if the business goes in to debt if he/she was to have a partner there would be less money to pay up as it would be divided and it is more likely the bank would give him/her a loan if there was a partnership, so he/she would end up borrowing from members of there family Partnership- Is known as a minimum of two people to a maxim of twenty known as a partnership. Partnerships exists mainly in the professions-doctors, lawyers, accountants, and surveyors frequently run their organisations in the form of partnerships. This is an ideal legal structure as some professional bodies forbid there members to trade as company’s.
The advantages of being in a partnership is that there is less money to be paid if the business goes into debt. And they would not be involved in the day to day running of the business so they could look into putting there time into another organisation. The disadvantages of a partnership is that you alone would not have 100% control of the business and day to day control. And the profits would have to be divided.
Private limited companies Private limited companies are suitable for small business and medium sized operations. This type of business is particularly suitable for family firms and for small enterprises involving just a handful of people. Public limited companies. The letters plc at the end of its name distinguishes a public company from a public company from a private limited company. All companies with share prices on the London stock market are public limited but not all public limited companies are not on listed on the stock market. To become a public limited company, a business must have an issued share capital of least �50,000 and the company must have received at least 25 per cent of the normal values of the shares.