Posted: May 1st, 2022
The proper sexual relationship Discussion
The proper sexual relationship Discussion
The proper sexual relationship Discussion
Possible Thesis Statements for Paper 1—Choose one and write
500-750 words. Find evidence in the text to support the thesis and
offer a conclusion detailing the importance and implications of
your reading.
The Song of Songs
Many passages in Deuteronomy (The Old Testament) regulate the
proper sexual relationship between members of the Hebrew
society. In some ways, the characters in The Song of Songs act
contrary to these laws. Indeed, desire itself seems to represent a
higher law for the Shulamite and her lover. Explain how.
The Hebrew society of the Song of Songs is a strict one, where it
comes to sexual transgressions. The Shulamite’s run-in with the
guardsmen, who beat her and tear off her shawl, is indicative of
this fact as are the many strictures detailed in Deuteronomy. The
impulse on the part of the characters that drives them towards
these transgressions might have the function of social
commentary. Explain how