Posted: October 11th, 2022
The personal narrative
The personal narrative revolves around fun and how it has been hard for the main character, who is the author, to have fun like before due to the pandemic. This piece is literary due to various literary elements such as characters, conflict, theme, and setting.
There are various characters present in this piece. These characters include the author, who is the main character in the story around whom the whole narrative develops. The story also contains other characters such as friends and family members who help build the main character. The author spends time with these characters, which helps in building his character.
Various settings are mentioned in the narrative, but there is the main one mentioned more than once in bringing out the concept of fun and both sides of the fun. The author mentions taking summer breaks by the beach and having lots of fun with friends before the pandemic. He also mentions revisiting the beach during the pandemic for a party with friends but leaves before the party had begun.
The main theme of the narrative is fun. All other ideas come as a result of fun. From the beginning to the end of the narrative, the author keeps mentioning having fun. He mentions the different ways he has had fun and the activities he finds to be fun. He also talks of how his fun has been distorted by the pandemic but hopes to be back at having fun someday.
In summary, this personal narrative can be referred to as a literary piece due to its various literary elements, characters, theme, setting, and plot. It also expresses emotion by concentrating on the fear of having fun the character has due to the pandemic.
” There is no fear when you are having fun,” a quote by Will Thomas has always been my slogan over the years since teenagerhood. Life has always been fun after fun each passing day. Whenever I would go on summer camps by the beach with my friends, I would have house parties during the weekends and make merry. Traveling around, meeting strangers, and hugging whoever was not a big thing, but it all seemed fun. I remember once hugging a girl I met at a festival, thinking she was my friend and it didn’t seem awkward for her. Staying in crowded places or going to a congested concert was fun, and there was noth9ing to fear as long as I was happy.
I have recently developed a lot of fear of having fun due to the Covid 19 pandemic. I once tried going to the beach to have a party with my friends, but the fear of catching the virus made me leave even before the party had started. It is no longer fun to stay in crowded places and yell around because of the fear of getting infected. I can no longer travel around during summer because of the fear I have developed. I have to keep social distance from my friends and family and sanitize all the time. I cannot hug anyone as I was used to hugging, including strangers. No more going to theaters for a movie night or a crowded concert.
What seemed fun to me is no longer fun due to the restrictions and fear of getting infected with the virus. The narrative of having no fear when having fun has changed for me. Every time I try having fun with my friends, I get engulfed with so much and end up not having any fun. No more parties for me, meeting new people, and traveling. I miss all the fun activities I used to my life, but there is nothing much I can do rather than protect myself. I hope the pandemic will be gone someday, and having fun becomes less scary for me.