Posted: January 28th, 2022
The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) fundamentally defines APRN practice
The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) fundamentally defines APRN practice and is administered by the Board of Nursing (BoN). Different rules and regulations have an impact on the profession. These rules and regulations vary by state, but they all aim to control APRNs’ activities and conduct in order to protect the public’s interest and safety (Neff et al., 2019). Because these laws and regulations differ from one state to the next, APRNs must be aware of their practice scope as defined by the jurisdiction in which they practice.
Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in my state are supervised by the Nurse Practice Act (NPA), and they must register with the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program in order to administer Schedule 2-5 medicines. In Georgia, however, NPs are governed by the Public Health Code rather than the NPA. According to the Georgia Board of Nursing (n.d.), NPs in the state can freely prescribe nonscheduled drugs, although Schedule II-IV pharmaceuticals require a physician’s signature. Another nursing speciality where restrictions differ between my state and Georgia is certified nurse midwifery (CNM). While CNMs in my state are permitted to practice without the supervision of physicians, in Georgia, these nurses must work in collaboration with physicians while delivering patient care.
The rules are set up as recommendations for nurses to follow in order to preserve their license and the public. As a result, the rules apply to APRNs who have legal authority to perform within the limits of their education, experience, and training. APRNs must comply with these laws by completing the requisite continuing education training each licensing year and keeping their licenses current and active.