Posted: December 11th, 2022
The influence of the Consensus Model for APRN:
The influence of the Consensus Model for APRN:
Additional instructions
There are two discussion independent from each other, each should be uploaded separately with references. Don’t format the discussion
For discussion 2, use student from California
Length: A minimum of 300 words for each discussion, not including references
Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
Week 4: Discussion Question 1 – The influence of the Consensus Model for APRN: LACE.
Points: 20 I Due Date: Week 4, Day 3 & 7 I CLO: 2 I Grade Category: Discussions
Discussion Prompt
Discuss the influence of the Consensus Model for APRN: LACE. Why is it important? Support your discussions with at least two current scholarly articles (less than 5 years). Consensus Model Retrieved September 2018 from Consensus Model for APRN Regulation.
Additional Resource:
AACN’s APRNs Consensus Model Toolkit
Week 4: Discussion Question 2 – Green, Yellow, Red: State APN Practice Privileges and Prescriptive Authority Discussion Topic 0 Available on Dec 6. 2022 12:00 AM. Submission restricted before availability starts. Points: 20 I Due Date: Week 4, Day 5 & 7 I CLO: 2 I Grade Category: Discussions Week 4: Deliberation Question 2 – Green, Yellow, and Red: Discussion of State APN Practice Privileges and Prescriptive Authority Topic 0 On December 6, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. Submission is limited before availability begins. I have 20 points. Due dates: Week 4, Days 5 and 7 I I Grade CLO: 2 Discussions is a category.
Discussion Prompt
• Determine your states practice environment color – green, yellow, or red. • Discuss how your states is an independent practice or practice restricted state. • Describe the prescriptive authority for your state. • (For California Students) Review the CA Standardize Procedures requirement of NPs and discussion the meaning of Standardize Procedures (California BRN – Standardized Procedures Guideline) . • (For States other than California Students) Identify one (1) barrier to practice and a strategy to address the removal of the identified barrier.
Review the American Association for Nurse Practitioners ‘State Practice Environment’ Map and determine your states color – green, yellow, or red.
Review a second time the Nurse Practice Act in your State for Advanced Practice to assist you in answering the questions in the discussion.