Posted: October 14th, 2022
The Impact of Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in the Emergency Department
The Impact of Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in the Emergency Department on Patient Satisfaction, Provider to Patient time, and Length of Stay
The Effect of Nurse Practitioner Utilization in the Emergency Department on Patient Satisfaction, Provider to Patient Time, and Length of Stay
Statement of the Project’s Purpose
This project seeks to determine the impact of emergency department nurses in hospital emergency departments and how they help improve patient satisfaction, quality interaction time with patients, and length of stay.
Background and Importance
ER nurse practitioners collaborate with other teams in the emergency department to achieve their goals. The department employs a variety of practitioners with varying levels of expertise who collaborate to help with injuries, severe emergencies, and trauma that require immediate attention (Brooks, 2018). Despite their contribution to teamwork, some may argue that ER nurses make little difference in emergency departments. This perspective is possible because the department employs a number of professionals and specialized experts who provide their services. There is no clear cut answer to the department’s extensive need and massive contribution of nurses. As a result, this study aims to bridge the gap and thoroughly establish the impact facilitated by ER nurses. Research has been conducted to determine the contribution of each stakeholder in the department; however, their approaches have some shortcomings. Donelan et al. (2020), for example, conducted a study to determine whether or not stakeholder coordination is teamwork. It did, however, conduct interviews with nurses and other physicians in the department. This study will be patient-centered because it will look at the effectiveness of the emergency department in achieving patient-centered outcomes.
This study will help people understand the importance of ER nurses and the need for more practitioners in the field. It will demonstrate the real-world impact of ER nurses as they carry out their duties. The study will also help understand why the authorities should create more opportunities for such practitioners in order to improve the quality of health care. Its findings will thus aid in emergency department planning and decision-making to promote proper care.
Clinical Project Questions in PICOT Format
Patients visiting various health facilities’ emergency departments across the country.
Intervention: Improving emergency patient care through the use of ER nurses.
Comparison: The difference between using ER nurses and not using them in emergency departments.
Outcome: Create a clear indicator of ER nurses’ contributions to patient satisfaction and care.
Time: The amount of time a patient spends in the emergency room.
A. Brooks (2018). Everything you need to know about working as an ER nurse.
K. Donelan, C. M. DesRoches, S. Guzikowski, R. S. Dittus, and P. Buerhaus (2020). Emergency, trauma, critical, and intensive care physicians and nurse practitioners Nursing Perspectives, 68(5), 591-600.