Posted: February 19th, 2022
The Impact of technology on Human Beings
The Impact of technology on Human Beings
Since the renaissance period, various technological advancements have been achieved to provide solutions to specific problems. In simple terms, technology is defined as knowledge or science put into practical use to solve problems and invent useful tools. It is the study of and transformation of techniques and tools created by human beings, thereby allowing a human being to study and evolve the physical elements in their lives. Even though the technology is associated with some shortcomings and drawbacks, its beneficial impacts on human life are enormous. It has changed the diverse sector of human life. This essay seeks to explore specific technological advancements that have impacted human beings.
Generally, technology has affected the way people live, both negatively and positively. However, the positive effects outdo the negative ones. With various technological advancements, human beings can do normal things differently, efficiently, much faster, and at an affordable rate. It has become a huge part of society and day-to-day life. Various technological developments and advancements have significantly changed human life in all areas, including social, economic, and political life. It is impossible to list all the technologies since they are numerous, but a few have been discussed.
Firstly, robots and artificial intelligence are significant technological advances that have significantly impacted the way human beings carry out their daily duties. Artificial intelligence was founded by the Massachusetts Institute of technology to mimic human minds as well as hands. In the contemporary world, robots can assemble products better, faster and at affordable rates than human laborers. For instance, over eight million flights in the U.S airline are scheduled, guided, and flown with advanced software. However, several Americans argue that such technologies must leave people without jobs.
Secondly, another technological advancement is the electronic funds transfer. In 1972, a paperless transfer system was set up at Los Angeles Branch by the Federal Reserve Bank. Today, there is an instantaneous transfer of millions of dollars between banks and other financial institutions. Individuals can also use electronic funds transfer technology and can grasp cash from any bank account worldwide. This has been made easier through PayPal.
Mobile phones are another significant technological development of mobile phones, which has impacted communication among individuals. People can talk and communicate with each other worldwide in an effective manner. Mobile phone technology is also associated with the internet, which has further enhanced electronic communication. For instance, through email and social networking, an individual can connect with another person on the other side of the world. People can also electronic conferences through Video conferencing. However, studies have shown that mobile communication impacts people negatively as far as socialization and face-to-face contact is concerned. Therefore, it decreases relations between people as there is less personal time.
Finally, various technological advancements have been made in the health industry that has helped people stay safe and healthy. For example, apps on phones help people watch on their weight, the number of calories they take each day, heart rate, and other health concerns. There is also an increased accessibility of treatment. Further, hospitals are using advanced technology within their surgical rooms.
In conclusion, technology influences the way individuals communicate, think and learn. It plays an important role in contemporary society. Technology has both positive and negative effects on the daily lives of individuals and the world at large. Every technological advancement affects how human acts. It has significantly shaped human life and helped provide solutions to diverse problems.