Posted: September 8th, 2022
The impact of macroeconomic policies
Week 4 Discussion 3 Articles:
The impact of macroeconomic policies on the growth of public health expenditure: An empirical assessment from the Indian states
The Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on Healthcare Delivery in Kenya
The effect of macroeconomic indicators on health-care expenditure in Iran
Macroeconomic policies and increasing social-health inequality in Iran
Macroeconomic policies and health in developing countries
Week 4 Discussion 3: Macroeconomic Policies and Public Health
Read and compare two articles of your choice from offered in the Forum. Are there similarities in the conclusions? Are there differences? Why?
While answering, consider the following
-the country profile
-the type of study and tools used for data collection
-bias and any specific assumptions
-political environment and transparency
-importance of the issue to the public and government
The post should be developed in a comparative analysis style. It shouldn’t be more than 500 words long, including citations. Make sure to back up your ideas with at least two APA 7th Edition-styled pieces of evidence. This project is worth 5% of your final grade.
In your replies to the peers indicate:
-if you find their reasoning convincing and why
-what type of evidence you found the most useful in accepting your peers’ conclusions/or not. Explain why
-offer a suggestion on how the reasoning might have been improved or what other evidence could have been used to support/oppose it