Posted: November 19th, 2022
The impact of ideological intensification on media control
The title of my essay will be “The impact of ideological intensification on media control since Xi Jinping came to power. ”
The purpose of this research is to discuss the impact of Xi Jinping’s regime on Chinese politics in terms of ideology and media control. The research will focus on the period after Xi Jinping’s rise to power, exploring the causes, processes, possible consequences, and importance of ideological and media control in China. The paper will be a piece of analytical prose that uses research evidence to explain the specificity and extent of ideological and media control in China’s political sphere. The study will concentrate on the period following Xi Jinping’s ascension to power, investigating the causes, processes, potential consequences, and significance of ideological and media control in China. The paper will be an analytical prose piece that will use research evidence to explain the specificity and scope of ideological and media control in China’s political sphere.
By researching academic papers and authoritative Chinese and foreign media reports as references, the essay will first examine what role ideology and media control has played in Chinese rule and why it is essential in China, secondly explore how Xi Jinping has increased his control over ideology and media since coming to power, and then examine the political challenges that ideology and media control may pose to Chinese rule. The study may also compare ideological and media control in China and foreign countries horizontally to highlight the particular role that ideological and media control plays in China.
This thesis will explain ideology and media control more specifically, with the possible disadvantage of not being comprehensive and objective enough.
Possible sources:
(Lu and Pan 2020, 23-54) Lu, Yingdan, and Jennifer Pan. 2020. “Capturing Clicks: How the Chinese Government Uses Clickbait to Compete for Visibility.” _Political Communication_38 (1-2): 23-54.
(Yiu 2022) Yiu, Pak. 2022. “China builds global media muscle to amplify its message.” _ NIKKEI Asia_, September 20, 2022.
(Freedom House 2022) Freedom House. 2022. “FREEDOM ON THE NET 2022 – China.” Accessed November 5, 2022.
(Repnikova 2018) Repnikova, Maria. 2018. “Media and Ideology in Xi’s China.” Interview by Christopher K. Johnson. _Center For Strategic & International Studies CSIS_, January 29, 2018. Transcript.
(Lu, Chu, and Shen 2016, 70-101) Lu, Ye, Yajie Chu, and Fei Shen. 2016. “Mass media, new technology, and ideology: An analysis of political trends in China.” _Global Media and China_ 1 (1–2): 70–101.
(Luo 2015, 49-67) Luo, Austin Jun. 2015. “Media system in China: a Chinese perspective.” _ International Communication of Chinese Culture_ 2: 49–67.