Posted: August 31st, 2022
The impact of brexit on UK Employment Laws; A systematic Literature Review
The impact of brexit on UK Employment Laws; A systematic Literature Review
Dissertation Module
Structured Literature Review (SLR)
Selecting this option entails an in-depth critical review and synthesis of existing published primary research studies, which is being undertaken to answer a highly focused research question you have devised. Using established methodological techniques, you will critically evaluate primary research studies and synthesise the findings.
Completing a Structured Literature Review will enable you to demonstrate your research skills in critical appraisal, quality assessment of research, data extraction, analysis and synthesis. Undertaking a SLR entails developing a highly focused and appropriate research question that is relevant to your discipline/professional background. This will normally be associated with a devising a question which:
• Evaluates the effectiveness of an intervention (i.e. using studies which have a
Quantitative approach/design and synthesising the quantitative findings)
• Explores and generates new insights and understanding of a phenomenon (i.e. using studies which have a Qualitative approach /design and synthesising the qualitative findings).
To make this type of study feasible in the context of a master’s dissertation, this should result in you selecting a small number of very specific primary research studies either qualitative OR quantitative, normally between 4-6 in total. Ethical approval is not normally required to undertake a structured review.
NB A SLR is an umbrella is term so there is varying terminology associated with ‘reviewing literature’, and so you should avoid undertaking and/or confusing this with:
• An ‘integrative review’ i.e. a combination of both qualitative and quantitative studies
• A review of published ‘systematic reviews’
• A ‘scoping study’ i.e. wide range of different types of studies which are mapped, characterised and categorised in term of their results and features
• A ‘systematic review’ – this type of review involves more than one researcher
These types of reviews are highly complex, demanding and often require a team of researchers and therefore would be extremely difficult to complete as part of an ‘individual’ project with a specified time frame and word count.
1 Module Learning Outcomes
A number of learning outcomes are associated with undertaking the dissertation project. These are outlined in the following extract from the approved module descriptor:
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
• Critically utilise a range of search strategies to identify literature related to the area of interest
• Critically evaluate related literature related to the area of interest
• Provide a systematic critical account of
structured literature review
• Synthesise knowledge and theory from a range of sources
• Reflect and critically comment on any procedural issues/problems which may have arisen
• Evaluate the significance of the findings associated with undertaking a structured literature review
• Critically and creatively comment on the findings potential to contribute to the relevant areas of professional practice
• Produce, in a standard format, a comprehensive focused research report, which meets the aim and objective of having undertaken a Structured Literature Review.
2 Presenting the Dissertation
The Dissertation requires to be submitted in accordance with the following:
Format: word-processed in A4
Font: Arial: Font Size 12.
Line spacing: 1.5 or 2
Word count: 12000 words
o The word count refers to all words used within the Abstract and Chapters so includes all in-text references; tables and any figures made in the text within
the chapters of the dissertation. Students should not tally up and deduct ‘in text’ references.
o The following do not contribute to the word count: Front Cover, Contents Pages, List of Tables/Figures, Terms of Reference, Acknowledgements Reference List/Bibliography and Appendices.
o The total word count must be displayed on the Front page of the dissertation.
3 Referencing
Cite Them Right
Cite Them Right will help you to reference just about any source you might need to use and understand how to avoid plagiarism. It also includes a helpful Referencing tutorial to help you develop your skills.
Cite them Right includes extensive guidance as well as examples of the Harvard, APA 7th edition, IEEE, OSCOLA, Vancouver and Chicago referencing styles. To see
the correct format, just select the type of source you want to reference and then filter the results by referencing style.
Harvard Referencing Guide
Our Harvard Referencing Guide provides comprehensive guidance and examples for the key types of scholarly and digital information sources you are likely to cite. Our guide is based on the current British Standard (BS ISO 690:2010).
4 Suggested Structural Outlines of Chapters
Suggested examples of ‘content’ of substantive chapters and ‘typical’ structure for the different study options within the dissertation are outlined in the below(Empirical) and (Structured Literature Review).
NB These examples are not intended to be prescriptive, but should provide suggested guidance, which can be discussed with your supervisor.
18.1.1 Example of suggested content and structural outline for A Structured Literature Review
Cover page – including word count and declaration
Abstract (300 words approx.) A succinct synopsis of your study, which details:
• Aim
• Background
• Methods
• Results
• Conclusion Acknowledgments Contents Page
As applicable:
List of tables List of figures
List of appendices
List of abbreviations/Terms of reference
Chapter 1: Introduction (2400words approx.)
Contextual background for the study; a critical a review of existing the literature, evidencing contemporary knowledge base and current debates; Study’s rationale to conduct the re SLR; leading to establishing the Research Question/Aim and Objectives, Concluding with the relevancy of the review.
• Critical exploration and evaluation of key literature
• Identification of key themes within the current knowledge base
• Identification of gaps in knowledge current
• Justification for study
• Short Conclusion
Chapter 2 Methodology (1600 words approx.)
Critical discussion on the systematic processes deployed relevant to types of studies, participants, interventions and outcomes. Key subsection should include:
• Rationale and research question
o Research question
o Research perspective (qual/quant)
o Research study design
• Search strategy
o Databases
o Keywords/Boolean operators/ subject headings (e.g. MeSH)
o Other search tools (e.g. truncation)
o Delimiters e.g. English language; currency of time period
o Inclusion and exclusion criteria (this should reflect PICO or other framework)
o Identifying eligible studies i.e. screening processes (PRISMA flowchart)
o Data management/storage (e.g. Refworks)
o Link to Appendix where one full search is replicated (e.g. screenshot)
• Data collection and analysis
o Data Extraction – Use of appropriate tools to do this e.g. review-specific data extraction form
o Methodological quality assessment – use of appropriate tool, score and how it will be used (i.e. exclusion of studies or just reporting, justify with rationale)
o Data Synthesis – QUALITATIVE SLR should include identification of a framework for thematic synthesis.
Chapter 3 Results (4000words approx.)
Details outcomes in terms of:
• PRISMA flow chart –selection of included studies from database search;
• Characteristics of Included studies (brief); cross- reference to a table/Appendix
o 0ne or more tables with details of participants, intervention/themes, outcome measures and any other important information.
o Tables need to be described in the text as well as shown in tabular form
• Result of methodological quality assessment –
o discus the generic critique e.g. lacks of detail about blinding;
o cross reference to a table or appendix where full detail is displayed
• Narrative synthesis of results: synthesising the results of outcome measures/themes
o Where possible the results need to be discussed together i.e. Four out of the 6 studies had a large sample size ranging from 50-100 participants, rather than writing about individual papers. You should try and support all of your results with critical appraisal. i.e. Large sample sizes are needed for quantitative studies, power calculations should be used to assess the appropriate sample size.
Chapter 4: Discussion (3000 words approx.)
A critical discussion of the SLR reflecting findings, their implications and the review process
o Overview of the SLR findings
o Overview of Methodological quality /deficits shortcomings
o Strengths and Limitations of SLR
o Comparison of the SLR’s findings with the current knowledge base
o Implications for policy and practice
o Recommendations for further research
Chapter 5 Conclusion (800 words approx.)
A conclusion of the research study as a whole in terms of meeting the specific aims and objectives
References in accordance with referencing guidelines
Supplimentary material used to supprot content of substantive chapters. Consideration should be given to the utility offered by appendices and their creative use in capturing important information beyond that which needs to be included, for example, from the literature review and/or results chapters.
* Please discuss the structure/flow of your dissertation with your supervisor, these templates are only a suggestion and you may decide to organise your dissertation in a different way but this should be agreed with your supervisor
Outline of Research
Dissertation Title:………………………………… ………………………………..
Study Design*
Data collection instrument- please include a copy with this request
Type of data that will require analysis*
*Please give as much detail as possible.
Submit to your module leader as early as possible.
19.1.1 Assessment Feedback Sheets
Structured Literature Review
Student name and ID
1st Marker mark and date:
2nd Marker mark and date:
Demonstrates internal consistency and originality [learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 – Identifies the area of interest and justifies the study; demonstrates a critical approach to in presenting background literature; demonstrates clarity in presenting a highly focused research questions/aim/objectives; demonstrates logical progression of study from research question to conclusion].
Add comments here and enter in rubric box ‘Intro (20) SLR’
Justifies methodological approach and appropriateness of methods [learning outcomes: 1, 3, 4, 5
– Defends the type of approach adopted to underpin the review; critically discusses the methods/techniques deployed to identify eligible studies, their appraisal and analysis].
Add comments here and enter in rubric box ‘Methods (15) SLR’
Demonstrates appropriate data presentation analysis and discussion of findings, including recommendations/implications [learning outcomes: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 – Demonstrates an effective search strategy in relation to presenting findings; presents and defends inclusion of relevant studies, proficient in quality appraisal, data extraction, analysis and synthesis
Add comments here and enter in rubric box ‘Results (35) SLR’
Discusses findings in the context of a Structured Literature Review and draws appropriate conclusions from findings to offer appropriate recommendations [Learning outcomes 5, 6, 7- Provides a global overview of the SLR outcomes; comments on methodological issues, implications, strengths and limitations. Concludes with a critical summary of key findings]
Add comments here and enter in rubric box ‘Discussion (20) SLR’
Presents masters research dissertation in an appropriate format [Learning outcome 8 – Presents the research dissertation in a coherent and concise; conforms to presentation guidelines; grammatically error free; adheres to referencing guidelines; complies with academic convention]
Add comments here and enter in rubric box ‘Formatting (10) SLR’
Add in marker box:
First marker *add name* second marker *add name* *add date*. Markers’ comments and
award provisional until ratified by the Masters Framework Assessment Board.
19.1.2 Component Parts of the Dissertation
Whether undertaking a structured literature review, the major component parts of the dissertation will be similar in that it should contain discrete sections and chapters, which reflect the following:
Front Cover Page – details study title, student’s name, Degree Programme, Matriculation Number, date/month/year presented, word count (see Appendix 4)
Abstract – orientates reader, a succinct outline of the study approach and findings
Table of Contents Page – by number, lists major sections and sub-divisions and indicates page numbers
List of tables/Figures/illustrations/list of appendices List of Abbreviations/Glossary
Substantive Chapters References Appendices
19.1.3 Dissertation Specimen Title Page
19.1.9 Assessment Matrix – SHEM/SCQF 11
Masters Standard Grade: 70%+ Grade: 60-69% Grade: 50-59% Grade: <50% Refer/Fail
Demonstrates engagement with techniques which underpin pursuit of own research/ advanced scholarship Exceptional ability to comprehend and engage with the complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Excellent demonstration of initiative, decision-making and problem solving skills exhibited as an independent learner pursuing advanced level study
Outstanding ability to systematically assimilate, manage and synthesise information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Highly competent in comprehending and engage the complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Demonstrates clear initiative, decision-making and problem solving skills as an independent learner pursuing advanced level study
Sound ability in systematically assimilating, managing and synthesising information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Competent in approaching the nature and complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Competent in decision-making and problem solving in pursuing advanced level study
Adequately manages the sourcing and retrieval of information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Unable to demonstrate competence in addressing the complexity of the task failing to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Unable to demonstrate decision-making and problem solving skills in context of advanced level study
Inability to systematically assimilate, manage and synthesise information to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Demonstrates a systematic understanding and critical awareness of contemporary Utilised an extensive range of relevant sources, current and seminal, to comprehensively interrogate major issues within field of inquiry Good use of a broad range of relevant sources, current and seminal, to comprehensively interrogate major issues within field of inquiry Satisfactory incorporation of relevant sources to investigate key areas within field of inquiry Obvious omissions in sourcing relevant literature necessary to comprehensively explore field of inquiry
Masters Standard Grade: 70%+ Grade: 60-69% Grade: 50-59% Grade: <50% Refer/Fail
knowledge related to the field of inquiry Excellent usage of appropriate literature to establish clarity, focus and skilfully communicate a line of reasoning
Depth of understanding exemplary, outstanding ability to synthesis knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry
Sustains a coherent and well develop argument through usage of relevant literature which establishes clarity, focus
Sound understanding demonstrated which evidences the ability to synthesis knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry
Evidences a critical argument to present a credible line of reasoning using relevant literature
Satisfactory level of understanding presented based on exploration of key concepts within field of inquiry Unable to present and establish clarity, focus and communicate a line of reasoning
Partial awareness but overall fails to demonstrate comprehension and insight within field of inquiry
Demonstrates conceptual understanding which evidences critical evaluation based on command of topic/ field of inquiry Outstanding ability to
Interrogate and objectively examine the relative worth of differing perspectives
Highly developed analytical and evaluative skills resulting in sophisticated reasoning which is exceptionally cogent Skilfully interrogates and critically examines the relative worth of differing perspectives
Evidences well-developed analytical and evaluative skills to present, debate, and refine a cogent argument Establishes the ability to present a range of differing perspectives
Appropriate analytical and evaluative skills deployed present a cogent argument Inability to offer evaluation due to poor grasp of alternative/different perspectives
Poor evaluative skills which has resulting in recapitulating material and thus compromised ability to present cogent argument
Unable to articulate own positionality to offer personal
Masters Standard Grade: 70%+ Grade: 60-69% Grade: 50-59% Grade: <50% Refer/Fail
Eloquently justifies own positionality presenting personal judgment based on research appraisal and advanced scholarship Clear ability to justify own positionality by presenting personal judgments based on research appraisal and advanced scholarship Can demonstrate and present personal judgments based on research utilisation and advanced scholarship judgment based on research and advanced scholarship
Demonstrates originality in the creative and contextual application of knowledge Exceptional insight and independence of thought which is creatively applied within field of study
Highly creative in contextualising and justifying the meaningful application of theory to practice
Outstanding demonstration of knowledge advancement skilfully applied as confident and independent learner Insightful independent thought which is creatively applied within field of study
Clear ability to contextualize and justify the meaningful application of theory to practice
Convincingly demonstrates knowledge advancement and is skilled in its application as confident independent learner Some indication of independent thought applied within field of study
Able to justify the application of theory to practice
Demonstrates knowledge advancement and its application as an independent learner Lack of independent thought applied within field of study
Inability to articulate the application of theory to practice
Deficient in demonstrating knowledge advancement and its application as an independent learner