Posted: October 27th, 2022
The Diversity That We Love
The Diversity That We Love. Commodification and Control of Diversity in Gentrifying Neighbourhoods
For this assignment you are required to read the journal article specified below and evaluate it in a brief (~ 500 word) essay reponse. The article is attached in pdf format.
” Bolzoni, M. (2022). The diversity that we love. Commodification and control of diversity in gentrifying neighbourhoods. Italian Sociological Review, 12(2), 435–457. ”
Your essay should address and clearly identify;
1) The individuals/group/community/social environment/phenomenon studied;
2) The author’s thesis;
3) The specific paradigm and theories utilised;
4) The research methods employed;
5) Does the author address her connection to the research (was she self-reflexive)? Were there any potential ethical probles?;
6) How does this piece of research contribute to our understanding of the social world? And;
7) Is this article a compelling piece of writing?
Your essay should be double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font. Please include an APA-style reference section.