Posted: December 9th, 2022
5 PAGES. 5 DIFFERENT SOURCES plus a works cited page (6 pages with the works cited one) THESIS = THERE WERE MANY DISEASES THAT THE AMERICAN SOLDIER GOT FROM THE SPRAYING OF AGENT ORANGE IN VIET NAM. 1ST TOPIC SENTENCE= THE SOLDIERS GOT TRACHEA CANCERS 2ND TOPIC SENTENCE=ANOTHER DISEASE MANY GOT WAS NON HODGKIN’S LYMPHOMA 3RD TOPIC SENTNECE=PARKINSON’S DISEASEIS A HORRIBLE DISEASE. 4TH TOPIC SENTENCE= LAST BUT NOT LEAST THERE IS TYPE 2 DIABETES Instructions does it have page numbers on the bottom right hand corner? 3. does it have the right color of your class ( Yellow?, blue? or red?) under their name in top left corner ? 4. Does it have a 3-5 sentence intro? 5. read the thesis. (last sentence in intro) After reading it, do u know what this paper is about? 6 look at 1st topic sentence. (1st sentence in next paragraph) Does it make sense to fit with the thesis? 7. look at 2nd topic sentence. Does it make sense. Do u know what the paragraph is going to be about? 8. look at the 3rd topic sentence. Does it make sense? Does it make sense in this paper? 9. are all the paragraphs indented? 10. is there a 3-5 sentence conclusion. 11 does the conclusion mention the 3 main ideas again that are in the topic sentences? 12. does it read, in conclusion? If it does….it is wrong. Never write that. Just write your conclusion 13. does this paper have a separate Works Cited page. 14 does it have in paper citations? (never put citations in intro, thesis, topic sentences or conclusion) 15. Are there at least the right number of different sources asked for? 16 are the names cited in paper last names of person 17. are the names in ( )? Points I look for when grading Works Cited page. This is what u need to look for as well. 1. Does it say Works Cited. ( more than one citation therefore reads as plural) 2. only Works Cited gets centered. Everything else on page is flush left. 3. regular font….. do not bold, do not underline, 4. last name first in citations? First name next? Andres, April, 5. name of book, article magazine, whatever next. 6. all names listed in alphabetical order? 6. does each last name correspond with a similar name in the essay?
Agent Orange was a herbicide used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to clear vegetation. The chemical, which contained dioxin, was later found to have serious health effects on the people who were exposed to it. Some of the diseases that have been linked to Agent Orange exposure include non-Hodgkin lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic B-cell leukemia, type 2 diabetes, and various birth defects in children born to veterans who were exposed to the herbicide. It is important to note that not everyone who was exposed to Agent Orange will develop these diseases, and the severity of the effects can vary from person to person.