Posted: April 9th, 2022
The Christian worldview, The NSAW code of ethics aspects contradicts
Response 5 dq2 449
Clineesha Murray
Hello Dr. Smith and Class,
The Christian worldview, The NSAW code of ethics aspects contradicts a Christian worldview of homosexuality. Therefore, their belief system does not go along with this type of lifestyle. For example the the Christian view is for man and women not the same sex. “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even there women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men , and received in themselves the due penalty for there error.”(Romans
Chapter 1 verses 26& 27) However when helping clients in a public setting as a social worker you must treat al individuals with respect regardless of there background and lifestyle . This is according to the code of ethics….. 1.01 Commitment to clients 1.05 Cultural Competence.
In order for the social worker to ensure that there own Christian worldviews do not paly a part in the clients case one must remain biases about anything presented in the case. Its also necessary to leave out personal opinions about there lives. Its best to stick with the clients current situation and help them to the best of your ability and always remain professional. This will help the social worker remove themselves from the clients intimate relationship as a couple and thing on another level to help reslove the matter and not be judgmental.
Best Regards,
New International Version Holy Bible Romans 1:26-27
dq2 449 Response 5
Murray, Clineesha
Good day, Dr. Smith and Class.
The Christian worldview, as well as sections of the NSAW code of ethics, contradict a Christian viewpoint of homosexuality. As a result, their belief system is incompatible with this way of living. For example, the Christian viewpoint holds that man and woman are not of the same sex. “As a result, God gave them over to heinous lusts. Even there, women traded natural for unnatural sexual interactions. Similarly, men abandoned natural relationships with women and became enamored with one another. Men did heinous activities with other men and paid the price for their transgression.” (Romans Chapter 1 verses 26& 27) However when helping clients in a public setting as