Posted: February 19th, 2022
the career decision
You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 1 – Submission Assignment lesson in intellipath.
Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment.
Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission lesson. Click the Upload button within the submission lesson to access the submission area. Click the Select File button to upload your document, and then click “OK” to finish.
Assignment Details
As you have learned in this unit, most people just let their careers happen. They do not plan and pursue the activities needed to make a particular career happen. In addition to researching careers and industries and networking with professionals in those industries, it is important to create a career plan.
Click here to download a template used to create a career plan for your final 2 years at the University (even if you have more than 2 years or fewer than 2 years left):
You will be filling out the following sections:
Long-Term Goals: What is your ultimate career goal (e.g., I would like to run my own manufacturing company)?
Short-Term Goals: What is your immediate career goal (e.g., I would like to obtain a position as a production assistant in a medium-to-large manufacturing company)?
Experience to Date: What current experience do you have that could help you obtain this position/career goal (e.g., college education, past employment, volunteer, special skills)?
Experience Needed: What additional skills do you need to pursue this position/career goal (e.g., additional education, experience in the industry, training)?
Activities to Perform to Obtain Needed Experience: What can you do to obtain the experience needed for this position/career goal (e.g., go back to school, volunteer, network)?
Courses to Take: What courses can you take in your final quarters that could help you obtain this position/career goal (e.g., Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Accounting)?
Tracking Sheet: Record the activities that you have performed and the contacts that you have made in each of the remaining quarters at the University. Note: Because this task is meant to be a recording if things that you have already done, you will need to make up these events (e.g., joined student chapter of APICS, met John Doe, VP of Operations at ABC Company).
Grading Rubric:
Grading CriteriaPercentageDeliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear.
Long-Term Goals
Short-Term Goals
Experience to Date
Experience Needed
Activities to Perform to Obtain Needed Experience
Courses to Take
Tracking Sheet
Critical thinking: Position is well-justified; logical flow; supported with examples
Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors
If you are planning to repurpose an assignment or submit one you have used before, please let your instructor know. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, he or she will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to administration until proof of originality is provided. Click here for more information.
The following are some tips if you have problems submitting your assignment:
Resave in the proper format per the Assignment Detail instructions, and resubmit.
Submit with a different Web browser.
Submit from a different computer.
Call Technical Support at 877-221-5800, Menu Option 2. They are open 24/7.
If you are still having difficulties after trying steps 1–4, please contact your course instructor.
Make sure you submit this assignment by the listed due date. Late deductions will apply for this assignment as follows:
Assignments submitted within 7 calendar days after the stated due date: 10% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 8–14 calendar days after the stated due date: 20% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 15–21 calendar days after the stated due date: 30% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 22–28 calendar days after the stated due date: 40% penalty of total assignment points.
No assignments, including late assignments, will be accepted after the end of the course unless an approved Incomplete has been granted.