Posted: September 4th, 2022
The benefits of influenza vaccination for teachers, law enforcement an
The benefits of influenza vaccination for teachers, law enforcement and social workers
Law enforcement, teachers, and social workers play a significant role in serving and protecting society. They are at the forefront in advocating for the improvement of humanity. Their job is demanding, and they continuously have to interact with the public. That places them at a high risk of getting into contact with the viruses that cause influenza. It is, therefore, critical for them to get vaccinated.
Influenza vaccination prevents them from contracting the flu. According to the World Health Organization, close to one billion people contract influenza every year, three to five million cases are severe. They should get a vaccination annually to avoid getting the disease from the people they serve. Social workers are at a higher risk of contracting the disease from the patients they assist.
Also, vaccination prevents them from spreading the disease to others once they contract it. The school setting is highly congested, and there is no social distancing, which makes it a conducive environment for the rapid spread of flu. When a teacher is infected, they will pass it on to the students. The students will then pass it on to their families and friends.
Apart from infecting people in society, law enforcers, teachers, and social workers can also spread it to their families. Social workers will spread it to the vulnerable population. That includes children, pregnant women, people suffering from chronic disease, and even the older generation.
Vaccination against the flu prevents absenteeism due to hospitalizations. Approximately 1.2 million working days are lost due to influenza. It will also improve the resistance of the body. In case a vaccinated person gets the disease, it doesn’t get severe. Most people who end up in the ICU are not vaccinated at all. Teachers, law enforcers, and social workers with respiratory and heart diseases should be protected. Influenza vaccination prevents the worsening of chronic illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
It also reduces the number of deaths. Since teachers, law enforcers and social workers serve the public; they are at a high risk of contracting and spreading the flu. Influenza causes coughing, running nose, fever, and even death. Flu kills close to 8000 people in England per year. Vaccination of these service providers will lower the spread in society and thus reduce the number of deaths. Vaccinated pregnant female teachers, law enforcers, and social workers help protect the baby from the flu after it is born before it is old enough to receive vaccinations.
Jorgensen, Pernille, et al. “How close are countries of the WHO European Region to achieving the goal of vaccinating 75% of key risk groups against influenza? Results from national surveys on seasonal influenza vaccination programmes, 2008/2009 to 2014/2015.” Vaccine 36.4 (2018): 442-452.
Ambrosch, Franz, and David S. Fedson. “Influenza vaccination in 29 countries.” Pharmacoeconomics 16.1 (1999): 47-54.