Posted: March 17th, 2023
The app needs to have three buttons and a health level
The app
1. The app needs to have three buttons and a health level, as shown below. You
are very welcome to customise the labels and points, as long as your report
clearly states this (see step 5 for why you might like to do this).
Set the initial health level to 10. Every sneeze will reduce the health level by 1.
When the “Take Medication” button is clicked, the health level will increase by 2.
The health level should be kept between 0 ‐ 10. When the health falls to level 7
and below, change the background/text colour of the score to light blue. If it
falls to level 5 and below, change the background/text colour of the score to
red. The score should be a neutral colour/background above 7.
2. Two layouts are needed, one for portrait and one for landscape. One must use
LinearLayout, the other ConstraintLayout. The constraints must be clearly
shown in your report.
3. The health level must be saved so that on rotation it does not reset. This can be
done using either saveInstanceState or a ViewModel.
4. The app must also be usable in a second language. The report must contain an
explanation of the concept of String externalization and how it assists
localization (in under 1 page, including images from your app).
5. Find some sounds to play on clicking the “blow nose” button (you might like to
rename this). The site (Links to an external site.) should have something you can use — these
are long though. Download the sounds and put them in the /res/raw folder in
your project — you might need to create a new Resource Directory.
See (Links to an
external site.) for how to play sounds.
6. Two other outcomes related to this task are command of the IDE and use of
Logs. Demonstrate how you have used Logs (e.g., for debugging or testing) and
ensure that your responses to points 1-5 clearly describe how you used the IDE
to build, test and run your code.
• The app contains three buttons and a score, and updates the score when a
button is pressed using listeners.
• The app contains two layouts, one Linear and one Constraint.
• The app saves score on rotation.
• The app is usable in a second language, and the report contains a short amount
of text with an explanation of the concept of String externalization and how it
assists localization.
• The app plays sounds on button clicks, using sounds stored in /res/raw.
• Command of IDE to build and run a simple app is evident.
• Log messages are used for testing and debugging purposes.