Posted: May 1st, 2022
Test 5 Rococo, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Modern, PostModern
Test 5 Rococo, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Modern, PostModern
Short answer.
1-2) Name two characteristics of Rococo Art
3-4) Name two characteristics of Neo-Classical Art
5-6) Name two characteristics of Impressionist Art
7-8) Name two characteristics of Romanticism
9-10) Name two characteristics of Realism
Identify the name, type and one important fact about each of the art works below:
david-horatii deathofmarat
pilgrimagecythera watteau 28-26.jpg 00167F64William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
fallinwater99_02 warhol_marilyn
monet_rouen-1.jpg 0009CA29William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: renoir061
29-26.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: degas-edgar-classe-de-danse-3100557
boating 200px-Tour_eiffel_at_sunrise_from_the_trocadero
sundayafter starnitegh
gauguin artistic (thinker)
whole 29-56.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
HARMONY_IN_RED Picasso_Demoiselles
29-46.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: 1931_511
thewanderer 3rdofmay goya
raft_of_the_medusa delacroix_liberty
Ingre,_Grande_Odalisque Untitled-6.jpg 0014D31BWG iBook G4 HD BD75303C:
haywain slaveship
houses_of_parliament_london opera-garnier
29-1.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: 29-3.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
29-6.jpg 001680E9William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: plowinginthenivernais
Luncheon-on-the-Grass olympia
statue of liberty
Marcel Duchamp – Toilet ready-made – Dada-Movement – 1917 -T1 Miro, Painting, 1933
Dali Persistence-of-Memory False Mirror.jpg 000AFD20William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
50pipe.jpg 000AFD20William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: compositioninredyellowblue
fig10 triplegong
Yellow_Calla_prev guernica picasso
h2_1990 autumnrhythmnumber30 Pollock
fk017 dva1770
300px-Villa_savoye_cote theatr_sydney_opera_lg
Test number five: Rococo, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Modernism, and Postmodernism
The answer is simple.
1-2) Describe two aspects of Rococo art.
3-4) Describe two features of Neo-Classical art.
5-6) Describe two aspects of Impressionist art.
7-8) Describe two Romantic characteristics.
9-10) Describe two aspects of realism.
Identify the name, type, and one key fact about each of the following works of art:
david-horatii deathofmarat
pilgrimagecythera watteau 28-26.jpg 00167F64
William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
fallinwater99_02 warhol_marilyn
monet_rouen-1.jpg 0009CA29
William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: renoir061
29-26.jpg 001680E9
William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: degas-edgar-classe-de-danse-3100557
boating 200px-Tour_eiffel_at_sunrise_from_the_trocadero
sundayafter starnitegh
gauguin artistic (thinker)
whole 29-56.jpg 001680E9
William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F:
HARMONY_IN_RED Picasso_Demoiselles
29-46.jpg 001680E9
William’s Hard Drive B6EA260F: 1931_511
thewanderer 3rdofmay goya
raft_of_the_medusa delacroix_liberty
Ingre,_Grande_Odalisque Untitled-6.jpg 0014D31BWG iBook G4 HD BD75303C:
haywain slaveship
houses_of_parliament_london opera-garnier
29-1.jpg 001680E9
William’s Hard