Posted: September 28th, 2022
TERRORIST EVENT TOPIC: Oklahoma City Bombing
PRE 9/11 TERRORIST EVENT TOPIC: Oklahoma City Bombing (occurred on 4/19/1995)
POST 9/11 TERRORIST EVENT TOPIC: Boston Marathon Bombing (occurred on 4/15/2003)
Part one of the research paper requires you to submit your topic for review and approval by your instructor. You must identify a domestic pre-9/11 terrorist event and a domestic post-9/11 terrorist event that will be the focus of your research paper.
Note: The two terrorist events that are selected must have occurred at least five years apart. In addition to identifying the two terrorist events that will serve as the basis for the research paper, you must provide a brief description that explains why you believe the selected events will serve as a good comparison for evaluating how terrorist activities have evolved over time. You are required to include a brief explanation that explains why you believe the selected events will serve as a good comparison for analyzing how terrorist actions have evolved over time. This explanation must be provided with your response.
Your topic must be detailed enough to fill at least one page of your research paper.
Your research paper topic must be at least one page in length, using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced. You are not required to cite resources for this assignment, and a reference page is not required; however, you should keep notes on interesting resources and their locations as you find them for the Annotated Bibliography in Unit V and Research Paper in Unit VII.