Posted: October 2nd, 2022
Q.1 From your understanding of the term “force multiplier,” provide an example of how terrorists use of the media in this context? (Use at least one quotation from the textbook to support your perspective – ensure you cite the source(s) using the APA writing style.)
Q.2 The text suggests “cyberterrorism” could potentially have a more devastating impact on terrorist targets than other terrorist tactics used. Based on your understanding of the term provide examples of some actions you would take to protect your business, company, or faith based organization against such a threat.(Use at least one quotation from the textbook to support your perspective – ensure you cite the source(s) using the APA writing style.)
Q. 3Let’s assume that you are a police officer in a major urban area. What thoughts will be running through your mind as you begin your shift for the day? Link your discussion post to the readings and / or assignment topics for this week.
Question #1
Terrorists use social media tools to gain influence, power, recruit more members, and build a strategic advantage over their opponents. “Terrorists routinely use force multipliers because they add to their aura. All political terrorists want to give the illusion that they can fight on a higher, more powerful level” (White, 2016 p. 101). The most commonly used social media tools include Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, among others. They use these tools to publicize and celebrate their battlefield achievements, spread propaganda, and take responsibility for various terror activities. As a force multiplier, social media is used to coordinate their assaults to cause chaos, panic, destruction, and deaths. As Lyons (2012) explains, a social media force multiplier is a person or a group who use unique tactics to cause more massive force damage. A well-skilled sniper is an example of a force multiplier on the battlefield. They are capable of force multiplication without engaging the enemy directly. Terrorists use an exponential scale that is non-linear in transmitting their recruits’ tactics, ideologies, blood lust, battles, and psychological operations. They also use social media to upload their combat and films showcasing recruitment and training of their militia, and the execution of their victims, among other heinous acts.
Question #2
Unlike other forms of terrorism, cyberterrorism is quite complex to manage. This is primarily because its perpetrators are not defined but are rather common individuals with knowledge in computing. More so, these attacks can take any form and can also be launched from any location as long internet connection exists. According to Gordon, and Ford (2002), it can be hard to protect an organization against any cyberterrorism. Threats could be from criminal operations, terrorist groups, anti-established organizations that are disruptive, and the government. The necessary steps that the organization can undertake to safeguard it include securing the systems with software and hardware protection, installing systems of intrusion detection, and a quick response to any intrusions. Secondly, the organization needs to affiliate with other defensive organizations to help in tracking threats. Thirdly, the organization needs to create a security policy and train employees to protect the network. As White (2016 p. 301) “states, cyberterrorism has yet to reach its full potential, and the United States remains vulnerable to attack”.
Question #3
As an officer in an urban area at the beginning of my shift, some of the thoughts that will be running through my mind include the following. How am I going to deal with with minorities today without being appearing to profile them? I’m aware that there are crime hotspots such as the inner cities and they tend to be very hostile to policie officers. How will I carry out by policing duties in these areas while at the same time protecting myself from any harm. Urban centres are full of mahy people. Which techniques will best work when dealing with criminals without distrupting the public normalcy? Terrorists usually target urban areas where the population is quite high. How can I use my policing skills and training to ensure that such events do not occur. How safe am I while doing my duties? Does my partner have my back? Do I have the mental alertness and stability that will enable me make rational decisions?
Gordon, S., & Ford, R. (2002). Cyberterrorism?. Computers & Security, 21(7), 636-647.
Lyons, P. L. (2012). Web of Deception: Social Media and Implications for Military Deception. Air Command And Staff College Maxwell Air Force Base United States.
White, J. R. (2016). Terrorism and homeland security. Cengage Learning.