Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Teen pregnancy awareness MEDIA COVERAGE ANALYSIS
Teen pregnancy awareness MEDIA COVERAGE ANALYSIS
Teen pregnancy awareness MEDIA COVERAGE ANALYSIS
The public image of health policy initiatives depends heavily on their portrayal in the news media. Do the media present a fair and balanced portrayal of various health policies? This assignment gives you experience in surveying and analyzing the style and substance of media coverage on your policy topic.
Choose a specific topic area within your policy category. For example, if your policy category is motor vehicle injuries, you can focus your media analysis on motorcycle helmet policies. Long term care
Specify a period of coverage. If your topic is hot and current, you may need to narrow your coverage period to one month, such as August 1-31, 2014. If your topic is older and less controversial, you may need to broaden the coverage period to three or six months in order to locate sufficient news reports.
Research traditional and social news outlets for coverage on your topic area, including televised coverage, print media, cable and satellite coverage, social media outlets, social blogs, press releases, issue and policy briefs.