Posted: January 31st, 2022
Technology Contemporary Society
Annotated Bibliography Worksheet
• Complete the worksheet.
• Use your own words. Do not copy or quote directly from your sources. Assignments that copy or quote directly from another source will be returned ungraded.
• Include at least two articles published within the past 3 years (1 point)
• Include at least two scholarly articles (1 point)
• Include at least one credible cross-cultural reference (1 point)
• Include at least one credible policy-related reference (1 point)
• Submit completed worksheet in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Include your name in the file name. (1 point)
For more detail, refer to the Syllabus.
For help with APA-7 format, visit the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under Content in the LEO Classroom.
Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
• Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
• 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
• Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
Reference 2 – Policy reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
• Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
• 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
• Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
Reference 3
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
• Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
• 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
• Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
Reference 4
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
• Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
• 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
• Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
Reference 5
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
• Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
• 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
• Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
PART 2: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (100 points, 15% of the final grade)
Due date: End of Week 4 by 11:59 p.m. E.T.
The purpose of this assignment is to 1) ensure that you know how to find and use appropriate, credible sources to support an argument or presentation, and 2) to make sure you are on track for your final presentation to the class.
In order to create a presentation on your chosen topic, you will need to conduct some research. Being an informed consumer of social research is an important skill regardless of your major. Using research-based evidence rather than opinion to support your point of view immediately strengthens your argument. This is especially powerful when dealing with controversial or complex social issues.
For this part of the applied final project, you will use the UMGC library databases or Google Scholar to create an annotated bibliography of 5 credible and scholarly sources that you will use in your final presentation. An annotated bibliography is a list of references that includes brief descriptions of the source content. For this assignment, each annotation should consist of three components:
1. A summary of the reference that explains the main findings in your own words (1-2 paragraphs). Do not simply state what the article was about (e.g. “This article talks about cyberbullying.”). What specific information did you learn from your source? (e.g. “Cyberbullying has become a popular means of abuse among teenagers, affecting about half of all young people.”)
If a study was conducted, what was the research question driving the study? What methods were used? What was the main conclusion of the study? If a study was not conducted, what was the purpose of the article/source?
The purpose of this summary is to prove that you have actually read and understood each of your sources. Do NOT simply copy and paste the abstract or any other part of your source! Annotations that are not written in your own words will not be graded.
2. A list of 3 to 5 key takeaways from your source that you will be able to use in your final presentation. What information did you glean from your source that you plan to share with your classmates? This can take the form of a bulleted list or concise paragraphs.
3.A reflection about whether the work is helpful to you as you work on your project. Does it help you to understand your topic more clearly? Does it help shape your presentation? (1-2 sentences).
What is a credible or scholarly source?
At UMGC, we are fortunate to have access to an extensive collection of journals, periodicals, and books through our UMGC Library. In addition, Google Scholar is available to anyone with access to the Internet and gives you ready access to credible and scholarly material. But what exactly do we mean by “credible” or “scholarly” sources?
A credible source is one that is trustworthy because it is unbiased, well-supported, and respected. Credible sources are usually written by experts in the field who support their work using evidence from identifiable sources. Works that have no author or do not cite their sources are usually not credible because they cannot be verified. In addition, older works may have been credible at the time of publication, but may not be credible years later due to changes in our knowledge base or changes in society. You can learn more about what makes a source credible by visiting the UMGC library at:
Scholarly sources are articles or other words considered to be highly credible because they are written by experts, for experts. Further, these works are usually evaluated by other experts in the field before they are accepted for publication (peer-reviewed). Consequently, scholarly articles can be difficult for the layperson to read and understand. For example, social science articles are often written to often mirror the scientific method and contain a literature review, a methods section, a data analysis section, and a discussion. For this assignment, it’s fine to focus on the literature review and discussion sections of your scholarly articles. These will provide you with an overview of previous research that has been done in the field and may identify limitations, gaps, and future directions that will be helpful to you when you put together your final presentation.
Learn more about credible and scholarly sources at:
For your project, you should be relying on sources that are credible, and at least two of your sources must also be scholarly. Appropriate sources would be peer-reviewed journals, published documents from well-known research groups (e.g. Pew Research), and reports published by government agencies (e.g. NIH, CDC). Inappropriate sources would include popular websites (e.g.,, Wikipedia) or media outlets (e.g. Fox, MSNBC, WSJ, NY Times, Forbes, etc.). These sources do not always accurately report their findings and are sometimes prone to bias. If a website or article fails to report the credentials of the author and does not provide citations for the information contained in the article, chances are it is not a credible source and therefore should not be used.
For information about finding credible sources on the web, watch this informational video:
In this assignment, you will:
• Locate 5 credible sources on your chosen topic.
o At least 2 of your articles must have been published within the past 3 years.
o At least 2 of your articles must be scholarly journal articles.
• Locate at least 1 article that addresses your topic from the perspective of a different country or culture.
• Locate at least 1 article related to policy (i.e. what policies exist, are being considered, or are needed to address your issue).
• Complete the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet (see below). For each reference, include the following:
o A complete reference in APA-7 format. For assistance with APA-7 format, refer to the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under the Content tab, or visit the UMGC library site at the following link:
o An annotation written in your own words for each reference, including a summary, a list of key takeaways, and a reflection.
o Justification of the credibility and/or scholarship of each reference.
• Submit the worksheet as an attachment in the Assignments Folder (a link is provided in the Week 4 Learning Activities module). You will find a copy of the worksheet attached to the assignment folder. Complete and save the worksheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. Include your name in the file name.
Late policy for the Annotated Bibliography assignment: Late work will not be accepted without approval from the instructor. If accepted, a late penalty may be applied at the discretion of the instructor.
Best Practices for Annotated Bibliography
• Do not wait until the last minute! This assignment requires you to search for and summarize credible sources on your selected topic. This can take time. In addition, if you are not familiar with APA formatting style, you’ll need some time to learn how to do this. I recommend starting this assignment early (about Week 2). If you have trouble finding a topic for your project, an early scan of sources may help you to identify an interesting topic.
• Use the rubric provided below to see how your work will be graded and where you should be investing your time and effort.
• Look ahead to the Progress Report and the Final Presentation to see what is expected for each. The Annotated Bibliography should include resources that help you to complete both of these future assignments.
• Take notes on the sources you use. After you finish reading your source, ask yourself, “What were the main points made in this article or resource?” Use your notes, but NOT the original resource, to guide your response. Your response will be the basis for your annotation summaries. This practice strengthens both your comprehensive reading skills and your communication skills. It will also keep you from inadvertently plagiarizing.
• We all learn and comprehend in different ways. If you are unclear about any part of this assignment, ask questions.
Annotated Bibliography Worksheet
• Complete the worksheet.
• Use your own words. Do not copy or quote directly from your sources. Assignments that copy or quote directly from another source will be returned ungraded.
Other criteria:
• Include at least two articles published within the past 3 years (1 point)
• Include at least two scholarly articles (1 point)
• Include at least one credible cross-cultural reference (1 point)
• Include at least one credible policy-related reference (1 point)
• Submit completed worksheet in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Include your name in the file name. (1 point)
For more detail, refer to the Syllabus.
For help with the APA-7 format, visit the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under Content in the LEO Classroom.
Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of main findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3pts)
Reference 2 – Policy reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of main findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3pts)
Reference 3
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of main findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3pts)
Reference 4
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of main findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3pts)
Reference 5
Reference in APA-7 format (4pts)
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of main findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3pts)
Each reference will be graded using the following rubric:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing or Not Acceptable
Reference in APA-7 format (4 points)
Reference is in APA-7 format and contains no errors. (3 points)
References in APA-7 format with 1 or 2 minor errors. (2 points)
References in APA-7 format with many errors. (1 point)
Evidence of formatting, but not APA-7. (0 points)
No formatting in evidence.
Annotation (12 points)
Excellent summary, key takeaways, and reflection. Writing is original, clear, and comprehensive. (10 points)
Good summary, key takeaways, and reflection. Writing is original. Mostly clear and comprehensive but missing minor details. (8 points)
Fair summary, key takeaways, and reflection. Writing is original, but not always clear. May be missing some major details. (4 points)
Minimal effort to summarize, and reflect. Writing is original but unclear. May be missing many details. (0 points)
No annotation, OR
Writing is not original, OR
Submission is completely off-topic.
Justification of credibility (3 points)
Justification for credibility of the source is sound. (2 points)
Justification for credibility of the source is mostly sound, with minor omissions or errors. (1 point)
Justification for credibility of the source is somewhat sound, with several omissions or errors. (0.5 points)
Some attempt to justify credibility, but reasoning is not sound. (0 points)
No justification for credibility and/or scholarship is provided or explanation is incorrect.
Worksheet Instructions for Annotated Bibliography:
• Finish the worksheet.
• Write in your own terms. Do not directly copy or quote from your sources. Assignments that directly copy or quote from another source will be returned ungraded.
• Include at least two articles from the last three years (1 point)
• At least two scholarly articles should be included (1 point)
• At least one credible cross-cultural reference should be included (1 point)
• At least one trustworthy policy-related reference should be included (1 point)
• Please provide the completed worksheet in.doc,.docx, or.rtf format. Make sure to include your name in the file name. (One point)
Refer to the Syllabus for more information.
Visit the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under Content in the LEO Classroom for assistance with APA-7 format.
Reference 1 – Cross-cultural
(4 references in APA-7 format)