Posted: December 11th, 2022
Teaching Project/Common Assessment
Assignment Topic:
Teaching Project/Common Assessment
In this final project, you will create a plan and medication teaching tools for the patient you create. The tool can be a pamphlet, cartoon, handout, presentation, video, be creative!
Remember to consider the audience, as the tool itself should be geared toward the patient.
1. Create your patient: This part is separate from the actual teaching tools and can be on a separate document or slide. Think as if you are creating a patient for a case study. (10 pts)
* Write a scenario for your patient. What happened to make them seek medical attention?
* Patient’s age, sex, race, primary and/or secondary language spoken
* Learning barriers – must identify at least 2, and explain how you will overcome the barriers
* Medical diagnoses – must identify at least 2, they can be acute and/or chronic
* Choose four medications, two for each medical diagnosis.
* One of the medications needs to be a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection that the patient will be taking at home.
* The medications need to represent four different medication classifications. Do not use OTC medications.
2. TEACHING TOOL (60 pts, 15 pts for each medication) must include:
* Name of drug – list generic name and one trade name
* Medication classifications – i.e. therapeutic, chemical, functional classification
* Action, indication for this patient, common and life-threatening side effects, diet/lifestyle modifications, when to call the physician, administration information, patient teaching (must not be a repeat of previously noted information)
* Remember, this is for the patient. Put the information in your own words and avoid medical language when possible.
* Refer to the rubric for more detail. Medication classifications, such as therapeutic, chemical, and functional categories * Action, indication for this patient, side effects that are common and potentially fatal, dietary and lifestyle changes, when to call the doctor, administration information, and patient education (which must not be a repetition of previously mentioned information) * Keep in mind that this is for the patient. When possible, speak in your own words and steer clear of medical jargon. For more information, consult the rubric.
3. Subcutaneous OR intramuscular injection: (15 pts)
* Create a step-by-step tool the patient can use for self-administration of an injection.
* This instructional piece must be incorporated into your overall project.
4. Refer to the rubric for more detail. Overall Grading: (15 pts)
* Grammar/spelling and a minimum of 2 professional references – 3 pts
* Design – 4 pts
* Easy for the patient to understand/appropriate for audience – 4 pts
* Use of multiple teaching modalities, i.e. pictures, words, checklists, etc. – 4 pts