Posted: December 11th, 2022
Teaching Project/Common Assessment
Teaching Project/Common Assessment
Assignment Type:
Essay (any type)
1 page / 275 words (Double spacing)
Education Level:
English (US)
Assignment Topic:
Teaching Project/Common Assessment
In this final project, you will create a plan and medication teaching tools for the patient you create. The tool can be a pamphlet, cartoon, handout, presentation, video, be creative!
Remember to consider the audience, as the tool itself should be geared toward the patient.
1. Create your patient: This part is separate from the actual teaching tools and can be on a separate document or slide. Think as if you are creating a patient for a case study. (10 pts)
* Write a scenario for your patient. What happened to make them seek medical attention?
* Patient’s age, sex, race, primary and/or secondary language spoken
* Learning barriers – must identify at least 2, and explain how you will overcome the barriers
* Medical diagnoses – must identify at least 2, they can be acute and/or chronic
* Choose four medications, two for each medical diagnosis.
* One of the medications needs to be a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection that the patient will be taking at home.
* The medications need to represent four different medication classifications. Do not use OTC medications.
2. TEACHING TOOL (60 pts, 15 pts for each medication) must include:
* Name of drug – list generic name and one trade name
* Medication classifications – i.e. therapeutic, chemical, functional classification
* Action, indication for this patient, common and life-threatening side effects, diet/lifestyle modifications, when to call the physician, administration information, patient teaching (must not be a repeat of previously noted information)
* Remember, this is for the patient. Put the information in your own words and avoid medical language when possible.
* Refer to the rubric for more detail.
3. Subcutaneous OR intramuscular injection: (15 pts)
* Create a step-by-step tool the patient can use for self-administration of an injection.
* This instructional piece must be incorporated into your overall project.
4. Refer to the rubric for more detail. Overall Grading: (15 pts)
* Grammar/spelling and a minimum of 2 professional references – 3 pts
* Design – 4 pts
* Easy for the patient to understand/appropriate for audience – 4 pts
* Use of multiple teaching modalities, i.e. pictures, words, checklists, etc. – 4 pts