Posted: October 29th, 2022
I. Purpose
a) The purpose of this study is to create a teaching plan for newborn jaundice.
b) The study will also address issues regarding the various signs of the problem
c) The study will also explain how the problem develops and also how it can be addressed in the society.
II. Learning Objectives
a) To explain how the newborn jaundice develops
b) Explain how the problem can be detected among the newborns
c) Give various ways through which the problem can be addressed
III. Content
a) The teaching plan for newborn jaundice covers the various issues which need to be addressed by parents, in the case, where the baby is born with a problem, especially the immature liver, and hence, creating problems for the baby (StayWell, 2018).
b) In the case where the baby is born with jaundice, then it becomes hard for the body to get rid of the bilirubin because the liver is not yet mature. The bilirubin is usually found in the red blood cells, and, and it accumulates slowly in the process of the red blood cells break down and synthesis, and thus, if the levels increase, without being released, then they might be dangerous to the development of the baby’s nervous system, as well as the brain development (Kaneshiro, 2017). It is thus important for the parents to be in constant check of their babies, to ensure that, the levels of bilirubin in the baby’s body do not build up to toxic levels, so as to ensure that the health of their baby is ensured.
c) Although the problem might be fatal for a majority of the newborn babies who are not checked well, proper examination thus makes it possible for the babies to get rid of the problem, and also have their livers grow well. Some of the basic signs of the bilirubin build include the yellow eyes as well as skin for the young babies. It is thus, important for the parents to ensure that they cross-check their children, and follow the given instructions at the health centers at the time of discharge for their babies. In the case one is discharged and realizes that their baby has high fever, doesn’t move their body limbs frequently, or the baby moves their limbs in a circular manner, the baby has an alteration or even changes in the sleeping patterns, and also has the problem with feeding, then it is important to ensure that the parents return the baby to the emergency department, as soon as possible. In the cases where the baby hardens their back, and also have signs of seizure, they should then be returned to the emergency department with immediate effect (The Stay-Well Company, LLC. 2018). Although the disease may be fatal for the majority of newborn newborns who are not properly examined, good evaluation allows the babies to be free of the problem while also allowing their livers to mature normally. Yellow eyes and skin for young babies are some of the fundamental indicators of bilirubin buildup. It is so critical for parents to double-check their infants and follow the guidelines offered at health centers when their newborns are discharged. If a parent is discharged and discovers that their baby has a high fever, does not move their body limbs frequently, or moves their limbs in a circular manner, has an alteration or even changes in sleeping patterns, and also has a feeding problem, it is critical that the parents return the baby to the emergency department as soon as possible. In cases where the baby hardens their back and shows signs of seizure, they should be taken to the emergency department right away (The Stay-Well Company, LLC. 2018).
d) At home, it is also important that a parent keeps a close watch over the baby, to check whether some of the signs of jaundice are visible, such as turning yellow of the baby’s white of the eye, and the skin, face, and generally the whole body. Mothers should ensure that they breastfeed their babies, eight to twelve times in every twenty-four hours, so as to ensure that the bilirubin is eradicated from the baby’s body, via stool. In the case where the baby is feeding for the bottle, the mother should ensure that they consult, and even talk with their healthcare providers regarding the same issue.
e) There are cases, where the health care provider might recommend the use of the “bili lights” at home, whose work is to aid in the proper break down of the bilirubin, in the cases where they are too high. In the cases where the baby does not show any interest in the breastfeeding, between eight and twelve times in every twenty-four hours, then it is important to ensure that the healthcare producer is consulted. When the baby has a pale skin, grayish stool, and even bowel movements, increase in the yellow color in the body, and even increased cases of fever, then it is important to communicate to the doctor. If the baby is vomiting and has increases cases of fever, then it is important to focus on enhancing better systems of communicating with the healthcare provider.
IV. Duration
The presentation should take 10 minutes, with the presentation, with the focus going to the manner in which the document has been addressed.
V. Methods and Materials needed
This study will use the quantitative methods to collect information. The study will use three major sources, which include:
a) Kaneshiro, N.K., (2017). Newborn jaundice-discharge. U.S. Department of Health and Human & Services National Institutes of Health. Online Access
b) Stay-Well, K., (2018). Discharge Instructions for Newborn Jaundice. Mount Nittany Health. Online Access
c) The Stay-Well Company, LLC. (2018). Discharge Instructions for Newborn Jaundice. Fair View Patient Education. Online Access
VI. Evaluation Method
The evaluation method for the study include the process of understanding how well the client understands the set objectives for the study.
VII. Self-Evaluation
The client was able to meet the objectives, since they were able to understand: how the newborn jaundice develops, how the problem can be detected among the newborns, and also the various ways through which the problem can be addressed. The objectives were also met well ad understood.
Kaneshiro, N.K., (2017). Newborn jaundice-discharge. U.S. Department of Health and Human & Services National Institutes of Health. Online Access
Stay-Well, K., (2018). Discharge Instructions for Newborn Jaundice. Mount Nittany Health. Online Access
The Stay-Well Company, LLC. (2018). Discharge Instructions for Newborn Jaundice. Fair View Patient Education. Online Access