Posted: January 28th, 2022
Teaching Effective Presentation Skills essay
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Topic: Teaching Effective Presentation Skills
Instructions: This project requires you to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool with managers and supervisors on how to prepare an effective presentation. As you move up through the workforce you will at some point be required to give a briefing or presentation to others. Hopefully, one day you will also have to the opportunity to develop one of your worker’s speaking and presentation skills. There is great satisfaction in taking a nervous employee, helping them to develop their presentation, coaching them on delivery and then watching them knock it out of the park! With this in mind, your presentation should briefly outline (i.e., no more than 2-3 slides) how to start a presentation (that is attention-getting steps) an and overview for the audience. You should focus the majority of your presentation (i.e., 8-10 slides) on what makes an effective presentation. Factors to consider in all forms of communication–Who is your audience? What is your message? Are you trying to persuade? Inform?
Here are some guidelines to get you started: You are going to brief a small group of newly graduated Business Students on how to present an effective presentation. Your audience ages are anywhere from 20-60 years of age, with various business backgrounds, military experience, and even some small business owners.
There should be an introduction slide, a topic overview slide, 8-10 slides on presentation techniques, a conclusion slide and lastly a reference slide. Use the “notes” feature of PowerPoint to list your talking points on each slide for me to read what you would actually be saying.
Submission Instructions: IMPORTANT! Save and submit your work as a PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes
The body of your presentation should include at least 8-10 presentation slides, in addition to a title slide, introduction slide(s), and references at the end of your presentation for a total of no more than 15 slides.
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (do NOT use your textbook as one of the three required references, or encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites), include a reference section (i.e., 1-2 slides), and cite all sources properly in the text of each slide, in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual.
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Teaching Effective Presentation Skills is the subject of this article.
Instructions: For this project, you must create a PowerPoint slide presentation that will be used to instruct managers and supervisors on how to make a successful presentation. As you advance in your career, you will be required to give a briefing or presentation to others at some point. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to improve one of your employees’ speaking and presenting skills one day. Taking a frightened employee, assisting them in developing their presentation, coaching them on delivery, and then watching them smash it out of the park is a terrific feeling! With this in mind, your presentation should include a concise overview (i.e., no more than five minutes).
Hide information about the assignment Turnitin® enabledTurnitin® enabledTurnitin® enabledTurnitin® enabledTurn Turnitin® will be used to check this assignment. Instructions
Teaching Effective Presentation Skills is the subject of this article.
Instructions: For this project, you must create a PowerPoint slide presentation that will be used to instruct managers and supervisors on how to make a successful presentation. As you advance in your career, you will be required to give a briefing or presentation to others at some point. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to improve one of your employees’ speaking and presenting skills one day. Taking a frightened employee, assisting them in developing their presentation, coaching them on delivery, and then watching them smash it out of the park is a terrific feeling! With this in mind, your presentation should include a concise overview (i.e., no more than five minutes).
Hide Assignment Data Turnitin® enabled This work will be turned in to Turnitin®. Instructions
Teaching Presentation Skills
Instructions: Create a PowerPoint slide presentation to teach managers and supervisors how to make an excellent presentation. As you advance in your career, you will be required to brief or present to others. Hopefully one day you’ll be able to help one of your employees improve their public speaking skills. Taking a frightened employee, helping them design their presentation, coaching them on delivery, and then witnessing them nail it! A presentation should include an overview (no more than 2-3 slides) on how to start a presentation (attention-getting techniques). The majority of your presentation (eight to ten slides) should be on successful presenting. Considerations for all types of communication: What’s your point? Are you persuading? Inform?
Here are some guidelines: You will train a small group of newly graduated Business Students on excellent presentation skills. Your target demographic ranges from 20 to 60 years old, with diverse business, military, and even small company experience.
An introduction, a topic summary, 8-10 slides on presentation skills, a conclusion, and finally a reference slide are required. Use PowerPoint’s “notes” option to list your talking points on each slide so I can read them.
Submission Important! Save as a PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes.
The body of your presentation should be 8-10 slides, plus a title slide, introductory slide(s), and references at the end, for a total of 15 slides.
Use independent research to back up your claims and arguments. Include at least three (3) references (do not use your textbook, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, or other unsourced, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites), a reference section (i.e., 1-2 slides), and properly cite all sources in the text of each slide.
Hide the assignment’s details With Turnitin® With Turnitin® With Turnitin® With Turnitin® This assignment will be checked by Turnitin®. Instructions
This article is about teaching effective presentation skills.
Instructions: Create a PowerPoint slide presentation to teach managers and supervisors how to present effectively. As your profession progresses, you will be required to brief or present to others. You may have the chance to help one of your colleagues improve their presentation skills. Being able to help a nervous employee prepare and perform a presentation is a great experience! Keeping this in mind, your presentation should include: (i.e., no more than five minutes).
Hide the assignment’s details With Turnitin® With Turnitin® With Turnitin® With Turnitin® This assignment will be checked by Turnitin®. Instructions
This article is about teaching effective presentation skills.
Instructions: Create a PowerPoint slide presentation to teach managers and supervisors how to present effectively. As your profession progresses, you will be required to brief or present to others. You may have the chance to help one of your colleagues improve their presentation skills. Being able to help a nervous employee prepare and perform a presentation is a great experience! Keeping this in mind, your presentation should include: (i.e., no more than five minutes).