Posted: September 5th, 2023
“Tchaikovsky and Women in Art” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources from the Explore folder that are repeated below as the basis of your response:
Select one (1) composition by Tchaikovsky that you enjoy. Describe the music and subject matter of that work, and explain why you enjoy it. Explain the key reasons why you believe that compositions by Tchaikovsky continue to be popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences. Passionate nationalism, like Tchaikovsky’s for Russia, could be a feature of Romantic art and music and in the arts of the late 1800s. Give primary examples of music today (besides national anthems) that is characterized by nationalism.
Select two (2) paintings depicting females by both a male artist and female artist named within the Explore section. Compare and contrast these two (2) depictions of women, and comment on any general tendencies that you detect among artists of that era in this respect. Compare this situation in the late 1800s to the way females are depicted in our own modern times, using at least one (1) specific modern example.
Chapter 31 (pp.1065-1040), famous overture and ballet music compositions; review the Week 3 “Music Folder” #2
Audio of musical compositions on Tchaikovsky at
Video clip of Tchaikovsky (1812 Overture) at
Artists’ Depictions of Women
Chapters 31 and 32, depictions of women by male artists Manet, Degas, Dewing, and Eakins and by female artists Cassatt, Morisot, Haudecort-Lescot, and Sara M. Peale
National Museum of Women in the Arts at
National Gallery of Art (search by artist name) at