Posted: May 1st, 2022
Task Using the additional information attached, you are to carry out a detailed
Identify all of the hazards
Task Using the additional information attached, you are to carry out a detailed analysis of thesks ri and produce a written risk assessment for the posting of of advertising posters. Carry out each of the five tasks below, and record your answers for each task. 1. Identify all of the hazards which may arise from the posting of advertising posters. 2. For each hazard, identify all of the potential control measures that would reduce the risk to a legally acceptable level. You should include control measures even if they would be disproportionate to the level of risk. 3. Applying the concept of reasonable practicability, determine a range of control measures for each risk that you would recommend to control each risk, in order to comply with the duty under s2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. 4. Explain your justification for recommending or not recommending each of the control measures. 5. Produce a written record of the final risk assessment to ensure that the company complies with the law.