Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Task: Managing Human Resources in Healthcare
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service
Mark Don Corpuz
As a recent graduate, appointed to an HR Advisory role within a large New Zealand healthcare organization, you have been requested by your manager to develop a discussion document for management which:
1. Considers the following types of business factors that underpin human resource planning in a healthcare organization- business growth, decline, change, competition; impact of technology and labour market competition and employee development.
Business growth
There are things to consider when hiring people to work in a company: one is how this individual performs tasks that are beyond company expectations and the other is how the company will benefit from his performance. Every company expects to grow and gain profit to consider itself as successful and strong. However, this will not be possible without the help of its employees. And because HR management provides support to the company when it comes to hiring employees, this position is very well checked and maintained to make sure that the entire business will have dedicated and hard working staff to contribute on the success of its nature.
The aging population in New Zealand is at high and is increasing every year, thus, making the health care industry popular in this country. HR department is responsible in making sure the staff concerns are well taken care and monitored. The growth of the health business depends on how workers or healthcare professionals participate to achieve common aims and to value it whenever necessary. Absenteeism and being late to work are common reasons why staff performance is low and time management is compromised.
There was a saying that taking care of its employees will in return take care of the business. This is so true to most cases like what had happened in the Philippines that one of the taxi drivers returned a bag full of money to a tourist and was given attention by the government and the media. After the incident, the company where he was working was acknowledged for having honest taxi drivers. This case is very important to the business due to a reason that people will start to gain trust and confidence to call this company for their services.
Decline and change
Transformation of business environment is expected to be flexible in its form and the impact might have a huge effect to the management. There are concerns arising within the business environment which contribute to its changes such as staff reshuffle, union protest, legal concerns, and resignation of officials, improvement of working facilities and services or other events that help reshape the whole organization. There are also causes that may help companies to improve and increase its growth. Some examples are hiring of potential applicants that will provide favorable outcomes to the business.
Health care sector are prone to different changes in its management. Some changes were influenced by new legislations and requirements. Government bodies like district health boards and PHARMAC help monitor and implement rules to help organizations comply with the law requirements. There are also legislations that help protect the rights of every employee which is being handled by HR personnel.
In business, competition is present to employees and institutions. This attitude may sometimes be understood as a rival between both parties and the aim is to be a winner. Competition is also considered to be an element of giving employees willingness and determination to work hard. This also makes individuals to aim for a higher career level and gaining good image for the organization to be acknowledged.
Sometimes there are disadvantages when competition is uncontrolled because this may lead to common mistakes and misinterpretation of who is achieving a goal. In a health care facility, most employees compete to receive bonus and additional compensation offered by the company.
Impact of Technology
Computer nowadays provide direct access to information through internet which is believed to be useful. It also makes tasks like typing, recording, storing and updating data easier. HRM are using computer technology to help them in doing paper works and keeping documents. Documents are very important and storage devices are helpful in keeping records confidential. Advance technology also provides comfort and convenience to customers that use them.
A nursing home that have advance setting with new up to date equipments will have a huge impact on potential customers. When a family or client visit’s a nursing home and finds everything to be new and advance, this might give them an impression that they are comfortable and pleasing to their eyes. This will tend them to stay in the nursing home and will be happy on the services they will receive.
There are also negative impacts when using technologies. High cost of parts when equipment is broken can also be considered to have a negative cause to the business. Hi technology can also be very expensive and careful budget must be considered since this will also affect the financial stability of the company.
Labour market competition and employee development
There are many facilities that compete with each other in terms on how they provide services and how they deal with clients. Most companies use techniques to convince people to use or buy their services. And many try to advertise their facility to differentiate them from other businesses.
Growth and development are important in an employee because this gives good foundation when he wants to excel on his current position. Growing through learning new ideas and updates are also essential to assist a worker to improve in his job.
2. Considers the following types of human resource requirements and factors that underpin human resource planning in a healthcare organization- identifying internal personnel requirements, internal and external factors in matching personnel to organizational requirements; government policies and labour market competition.
Identifying internal personnel requirements
There are a lot of requirements needed to be hired as an employee of the company. Human resource department give a list of things needed to an applicant when he wants to apply or when an individual is hired. These requirements are being used to do background check and assess on the qualification he achieved. These documents serve as a basis on whether an applicant is qualified or not for the job.
The human resource team creates a process on how the recruitment is done and how this department can gather data from an applicant. Some department use forms to be filled by an applicant. There is some use one in one interview of the client and record it while listening to him.
Information on its employees is a must to the company and must be treated in full confidentiality. This information is kept in records and managers usually review them for promotions or legal purposes. Identification of personal data is also needed to know and familiarize the background of every worker in the company.
Internal organizational requirements
Organizations have objective and these must be aimed for the success of the business. The success of the business depends on the value of services it offers. Many companies try to compel the quality they must serve and they want to improve their services beyond the required international standard in order to be more competitive to people.
Organizations also impose guidelines on how they want their employees to work in the company. Managers are providing certain steps on how to choose individuals. In terms of qualification, managers find ways and ideas on how the company find qualified applicants. HR staff helps the administration to give criteria on how one will get hired.
In terms of operation, organizations work with different departments to ensure that internal needs of the company are met. For example, managers look at possible work hazards that might affect the operation of the business. Managers list down factors that comprise the whole organization. One to be prioritized is health and safety on employees and salary issues. These things are emphasized by the manager and HR personnel to better give employees the value of their rights and will not violate any legal matter.
Government policies
Before a company start, it must strictly comply on the government regulations. These regulations are made based on law and that these are practiced to ensure that nothing is violated. To better understand the purpose why a law was made, we can look on its contents and how it is implemented. All contents clearly state the description on how someone will be protected from abuse or harm.
The HR department is responsible in making sure the rights of every employee are implemented in the workplace. Its duty is to orient every employee on what are his basic rights and how he can practice it.
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