Posted: October 27th, 2022
Task Instructions – Assessment Item 3
Task Instructions – Assessment Item 3
Learning outcomes Unit objectives 1, 5 AOL goals 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 5.2
Assessment type Research Paper
Weighting 50%
Submission requirements 2500 words +/- 10% (excluding reference list)
In-text referencing and a complete reference list using APA style must be provided. See or APA Style Blog (
You must select one of the case organisations provided.
Due date Week 13 [Friday 28th October 2022, 11:59pm] via Turnitin Portal on Blackboard
In accordance with university policy, failure to submit ALL required assessment elements on the
assigned date without an approved extension will result in a grade of 1 or 0%.
Return of results &
Feedback will be provided via Turnitin. A unit blackboard announcement will be posted by the Unit
Coordinator when marks and feedback are available.
Description of the task
In this assessment item you will examine issues of local and global significance, and assess the extent to which current business
practices contribute to collective wellbeing and sustainable and socially responsible outcomes. Selecting from a list of businesses
provided to you, you will analyse a business to develop a report which investigates its CSR performance. The issues can be areas the
company is addressing well and/or areas which present opportunities for improvement. You are expected to draw on academic texts to
support your claims.
Recommended Structure
Title: Provide a short, informative title for the Report.
Introduction: Inform the reader of the purpose of the Report in three or four sentences.
Background: Summarise the company background in terms of its key activities, mission/vision, and key competition. This section
should include only salient facts and relevant details relating to the report focus.
Business Model: Provide a brief overview of the business model the company has adopted.
Key areas of focus: Identify 2-3 issues relating to sustainability or social responsibility that the company needs to address. Explain
why this is a focal area and provide some broad measures or goals against which business performance could be assessed for this
Performance in key areas: Using evidence (data and references) to support your analysis and linking this to academic literature,
evaluate the performance of the company for each issue you have identified.
Emerging Issues: This section should identify and succinctly discuss emerging issues that the business will need to monitor and
potentially take action on in the future.
Reference List: You will need to reference throughout your report. In-text referencing and reference list should follow the APA
format. The reference list does not count toward the word limit.
A case study will be worked through in the tutorials.
You must choose from the 2 companies listed on Blackboard.
The report should be prepared using publicly available data only. Do not contact any organisation or individual directly for
information. Use only information that is publicly available (e.g. websites, media and other reports).
The ISO26000 will be a useful guide to possible areas of focus and performance criteria.
CRA – Assessment Item 3
CRITERIA High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
AoL Goal KS 1.2: Apply technical & technological skills appropriate & effective for real world business purposes & contexts
background &
business model
Weighting: 10/50
Expertly and critically
analyses the company
background including
only salient facts relating
to the report focus. The
background is explicitly
supported by credible
and methodically
analysed data from a
range of sources.
AoL Goal HO 2.1: Investigate real world business issues & situations through the effective analysis, evaluation & synthesis of theory and practice
Company CSR
Weighting: 20/50
The selected areas of
focus are highly
appropriate, well justified
and assessed against
insightful evidence based criteria. The
evaluation is insightful,
comprehensive and
persuasively justified
through the expert use
of examples and
against which to
assess performance
are not provided or
Evaluation is
superficially linked or
irrelevant to the areas
of focus. Few relevant
examples and sources
are provided to
support the
AoL Goal SE 5.2: Demonstrate & apply knowledge of socially responsible behaviour in analysing & addressing business issues in national & international
business contexts
Emerging issues
Weighting: 10/50
Identifies critical
emerging issues the
company will need to
monitor and potentially
take action on in the
future. Persuasively and
expertly justified choice
of issues in relation to
socially responsible and
sustainable business
practices and critical
contextual constraints
and drivers.
Identifies important
issues the business
will need to monitor
and potentially take
action on in the future
and justifies their
selection in relation to
socially responsible
and sustainable
business practices.
Identifies issues the
business will need to
monitor and potentially
take action on in the
future. Explains how
each issue relates to
socially responsible and
sustainable business
Identifies issues the
business will need to
monitor and potentially
take action on in the
future. However, some
issues are relevant and/or
their connection with
socially responsible and
sustainable business
practices is unclear.
Where identified,
issues are irrelevant
or their connection to
the socially
responsible and
sustainable business
practices is not clear.
AoL Goal 3.1: Use information literacy skills & communicate effectively & professionally in written forms & using media appropriate for diverse purposes &
Weighting: 10/50
The report is
professionally presented
with substantial attention
to detail. It is well structured and coherent
with logical organisation
and contains
outstanding use of
grammar, syntax and
spelling. High-quality
academic literature is
applied skillfully and
integrated effectively to
support arguments. All
sources are
acknowledged and
referencing is
consistently accurate.
The report is
presented, well structured and