Using the psychotherapeutic mode you have chosen in the discussion board question above, develop a psychotherapeutic plan of care for the individual with bibolar disorder complicated by a comorbid substance use disorder.Even though this paper is a plan of care, it is still important to use citations in the text of your writing, as well […]
How does the definition of leadership above compare with Machiavelli’s Prince? What does moral leadership mean to you? Select one leader that you feel most effective in his leadership skills with reference to the Prince in relation to the value-neutral, amoral definition of leadership proposed by Palmer.You must use at least one print media asreference […]
When beginning to design a course, nurse educators need to identify the learning theory or theories that will form the foundation of a course’s design, and to consider the needs of the population of learners who will take the course. Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed in sequential […]
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment Overall Introduction: In this section, I will present my overall health assessment using Gordon’s functional health patterns. My stress is then presented as a focused assessment. This part of the assessment assists me in determining the level of stress, whereas the internet source assists me in learning more about the […]
Data mining is a common practice used to help identify buying patterns of customers for marketing purposes. More recently, though, some companies have started gathering non-purchasing information in order to create profiles of people to sell to retailers. Do you think this practice is ethical? Should it be legal?
Business Law I am currently working on part one of my final exam, which requires me to complete a legal analysis of the facts presented. I’m having difficulty answering the questions: Q: Mickey and Sam want to expand to other cities, hire employees, and raise capital for their growing business. Explain what you would recommend […]
1. Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example. One reference 2. Discuss how functional patterns help a nurse understand the current and past state of health for a patient. Using a condition or disease […]
OBESITY is the POI Refine a phenomenon of interest (POI) that you would like to explore this semester by using your group’s selected topic. Provide a summary of the POI to include the following information: Provide a statement that describes the POI. Remember: You should refine this based on your personal preference and articles found […]
What Are the Effects of Physical Activity on Sleep Quality and Cognition? Include introduction section, physical activity section, sleep quality section, cognition section, and effect of physical activity on sleep and memory section Include an introduction, a section on physical activity, a section on sleep quality, a section on cognition, and a section on the […]
Female Athlete Triad PATHO PAPERThe length requirement for this paper is between 4-6 full pages of content, double-spaced – this does not include the Title page and the Reference page (both on separate pages) that do not contribute to page count. Use of images/tables/diagrams will not count for total page number either. Students will be […]