Let this observation be for 4th ELA…. Assignment 4 Out-of-Class Assignment: Teacher Observation Let this observation be for 4th ELA…. Please complete one observation of teaching in a school. Meet with your building administrator to discuss your assignment. You will be using the observation/evaluation tool used by your district/building for teacher observations. You should observe […]
SOC 600 Discussion Debate Over Application Reading: Rossi, Peter H. 1980. “The Presidential Address: The Challenge and Opportunities of Applied Social Research.” American Sociological Review 45:889-904. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VeCIG-jlxq7Cy_YBk… What did both sides of the debate add to your understanding of the challenges confronting applied sociology? Which articles and arguments did you find most persuasive? Why? SOC […]
Assume that you are the CFO of a large company that has a lot of cash, the CEO of the company wants to invest some the cash temporarily either in 90 days US treasury in dollars or 90 days French government security in Euro: You are asked for advice and you are given the following […]
Include a title page for your own paper. This includes the “Running Head” in the page header, the title of your paper, and your name. If you don’t know how to edit a header in Word, Google for instructions on how to edit a header in the version of Word you are using and follow […]
It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival. As a professional, […]
This course is “Operations Management For Competitive Advantage”. Please answer the following questions and strictly follow the requirements of “Guidelines for Group Discussion” in the PDF file. Be sure to read the documents in PDF 1 and PDF 2 before answering Criteria: Be sure to give it to me on the 2.01th of Los Angeles […]
grade science Chicago Public schools” create a title page (see syllabus Appendix A). describe the context (setting) for your topic (problem) to include sub-headings: the community the school all school, community, district, or county identification attributes will remain anonymous Identify the approved topic Describe your topic rationale (include a data table to support the problem) […]
ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 04 October 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01495 Edited by: Vinai Norasakkunkit, Gonzaga University, USA Reviewed by: Jenn-Yeu Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Chris Sinha, Hunan University, UK *Correspondence: Feng Jiang fengjiang0205@gmail.com Specialty section: This article was submitted to Cultural Psychology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology Received: 04 May 2016 Accepted: […]
SWK205- SOCIAL WORK WITH THE ELDERLY TOPIC: Lesson 7 Substance Use in Older Adults Lesson 7 Discussion (250 words). Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion response: • What do Social Workers need to be aware of relating to substance use in older adults? • What are some considerations for a […]
Case write-up submission guidelines Part A You are expected to submit a case summary of not more than 500 words. Below three points will provide you with an understanding of how to prepare the case summary for submission. Start with the problem or need of the project you are solving. At the beginning of your […]